Municipal Reimbursement Application Portal

In 2022, the Maine Legislature enacted, and Governor Mills signed An Act to Assist Qualifying Municipalities to Defray the Costs of Opting In to Permit Adult Use Marijuana Establishments. This authorized OCP to reimburse Maine municipalities for qualifying expenses of up to $20,000 if the city or town has opted into Maine's Adult Use Cannabis Program.  

As part of its commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement, OCP is pleased to work with Maine's cities and towns to ensure that the cannabis in our communities is safe, tested, and regulated. 

These funds come from OCP's Adult Use Health & Safety Municipal Opt-In Fund, which is funded by taxes on recreational cannabis sales in Maine. 

There are some limitations - see our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information - and OCP cannot provide legal advice or assistance to municipalities, but this is a significant step toward safe, regulated cannabis in more of Maine's communities. 

Click to submit a request for municipal reimbursement