Upcoming Elections

Register to Vote Online

Maine Voter Registration Application (revised 1/2024) -   Fillable PDF   -    Word

Instructions for completing the Maine Voter Registration Application

After completing and signing the voter registration application, voters are encouraged to mail it or deliver it directly to the Municipal Clerk or Registrar of Voters in the municipality where they live, to avoid delays in processing. (See the link to the Listing of Municipal Clerks/Registrars below.)

Listing of Municipal Clerks and Registrars and Office Addresses

2024 Elections

November 5, 2024 - General Election

The General Election is held nationally on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.  In 2024, Maine voters will elect the President, one of Maine’s two United States Senators, Maine’s two Representatives to Congress, all members of the Maine Legislature (State Senators and State Representatives) and certain county officers.  County officers will vary depending on the county, but include the following: Judge of Probate, Register of Probate, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, District Attorney and County Commissioner.

2024 General Candidate List (excluding the president) - Updated July 24, 2024 

Serve as a poll worker

Every town and city in Maine needs citizens like you to help administer the election. Visit the Maine Election Worker Recruitment webpage for more information about the qualifications, duties and benefits of helping your town at the polls on Election Day.

Maine Political Parties

Maine currently has five qualified parties: Democratic, Green Independent, Libertarian, No Labels and Republican that may participate in primary elections. (Note: although some unenrolled candidates choose to designate themselves as "Independent," there is no "Independent" party in Maine.) 

Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV)

Ranked-choice voting will be used in the 2024 Presidential Primary, State Primary and General elections. Visit our RCV Resources page for more information about ranked-choice voting, including Frequently Asked Questions and sample ballots.

Municipal Elections and Town Meetings

The Department of the Secretary of State and the state's Elections Division does not oversee local elections or town meetings. Depending on a municipality's governance structure, these elections are governed by Title 30-A, Municipalities and Counties and/or the municipality's charter. Questions about a municipality's local elections or town meetings should be directed to the municipal clerk.

Contact the Elections Division
