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Voter Registration Data, Election Data and Online Forms
The Secretary of State maintains a variety of electronic systems and data in order to provide election-related citizen services, enhance the accuracy and integrity of voter registration information, and promote efficiency in the management of elections. This page is intended to help make public data available in its raw format.
Statewide Absentee Voter List
The Statewide Absentee Voter Data File lists all absentee ballot requests in the State, reflects when these requests are fulfilled by the appropriate municipality, and indicates if and when ballots are returned.
Please note this report reflects data entered by municipal clerks, and thus may fail to include information received at the municipal level on the day the report is run. This report now includes all UOCAVA ballots requested and issued through the date listed below.
Statewide Absentee Voter Data File Layout
Statewide Absentee Voter Data File - Absentee Voter File as of 3 p.m. February 4, 2025
Statewide Absentee Voter Data Files for previous years
Voting Place and Poll Opening Times - Please see the Upcoming Elections page.
Central Voter Registration System (CVR)
CVR Data Request Form Facts and Instructions - NEW March 2024
Request Form for Obtaining Data from CVR - NEW March 2024
Instructions for Importing CVR Data to Excel - Microsoft 2010
Instructions for Merging Voter File and VPH File - Microsoft 2010
Voter Registration Cards
Voter Registration Card Request Form
Voter Registration Card Distribution Policy
Revised Voter Registration Card PDF Format (revised 1-2024)
Instructions for completing the Voter Registration Card
Maine Voting Residence Fact Sheet
Online Voter Registration
Statewide Registered and Enrolled Voters
The Statewide Registered and Enrolled Data File is a statistical report recording how many citizens are registered to vote, detailed to the county, municipality, voting districts and party level. For each election we post 2 files: a count of only active voters and separately a count of only inactive voters.
Maine follows federal laws regarding voter list maintenance, specifically those found in the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Periodically, Maine undertakes a statewide effort to identify voters who have moved from the jurisdiction and mails the voters a notice as required by the NVRA, and updates the voter files based upon the responses or lack of responses received from the voters. This activity must be completed more than 90 days before a federal election.
Statewide Registered and Enrolled Data File Layout
Statewide Registered and Enrolled Data File (Active Status) or PDF Version (as of 11/5/2024)
Statewide Registered and Enrolled Data File (Inactive Status) or PDF Version (as of 11/5/2024)
Statewide Registered and Enrolled Data Files for previous years