MaineIT Fusion Middleware Oracle Intelligent Advisor (OIA), also known as Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) Managed Service

FY2024 & FY2025 Summary


Oracle Intelligent Advisor helps service agents deliver the right advice to every customer. This decision automation solution empowers business users to configure rules, ensuring that responses are consistent and transparent to deliver efficient, personalized, and intelligent customer service.


  • Two virtual CPU servers with 8 GB memory allocated for a standard build. Please note, a minimum of two virtual servers is required to provide high-availability and disaster recovery.
  • Enterprise monitoring.
  • Administration of the OIA/OPA and WebLogic hosting software and platform.
  • Automated deployments.
  • Collection of managed server logs for isolated applications.
  • Quarterly patches for OIA/OPA, WebLogic, JDK, and the Operating system to enhance features, functionality, and reduce security vulnerabilities when/where available.
  • Assistance with the monitoring and troubleshooting of Load Tests.
  • Enterprise Backups: Backups occur each night at 10:00PM with the following Standard Retention:
    • Daily backups are taken at 10:00PM, stored in the SOM data centers, and retained for 15 days.
    • Weekly backups are taken every Friday at 10:00PM, stored in the SOM data centers and Azure Gov Cloud Tenant, and retained for 35 days.
    • Monthly backups are taken the first Friday of each month at 10:00PM, stored in our Azure Gov Cloud Tenant, and retained for 365 days.
  • All hardware purchases and maintenance costs.
  • All software licensing and maintenance costs.
  • Server housing costs (power, backup generator, UPS, network connection, operational monitoring, etc.).
  • Customer Support Center for problem reporting. (Internal use only)
  • Operations/Unix Support Specialists.
  • Middleware Administrators to provide administration functions to keep the applications operational.


  • Local PC Administration of OIA/OPA and/or WebLogic.

Service Level Targets and Availability

  • Please note that the Middleware environment is extremely large and requires patching of non-production environments during normal business hours due to the complexity. If an outage can’t be sustained in pre-production during these times, it will require a minimum of two virtual machines.
  • Standard business hour coverage is 7:00AM – 5:00PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  • If service is required for non-production systems outside of the standard business hours, prior arrangements will be required with the director of this service area.
  • Production systems are supported 24x7 365 days a year. If a critical production issue occurs during non-business hours, please contact the Oracle Middleware Team on-call support at 207-624-7700.
  • Platinum patching is a 24-hour process and occurs during business hours for all environments.
  Single Instance
(No Disaster Recovery)
Clustered w/ a Minimum of One vServer Per Site
Definition One virtual server. Multiple virtual servers configured to be redundant.
Service Level Availability 99.5% availability excluding scheduled outages. 99.95% availability excluding scheduled outages. Please note, this can be increased by requesting additional clustered instances.
Single Component Failure Recovery Time Objective 24 Hours (No disaster recovery) No Outage
Redundant Component Failure Recovery Time Objective 24 Hours 24 Hours
Catastrophic Component Failure

Recovery Time Objective – RTO

Disaster recovery is not available in this configuration Dependent on disaster recovery plan.
Recovery Point Objective - RPO Dependent on backup schedule plan. Dependent on backup schedule plan.

On the Bill

Oracle Intelligent Advisor, OIA aka Oracle Policy Automation, OPA Managed Service

Service Code = MWOPA
Service Category = Oracle Database Services
Service Full = Oracle Policy Automation (MWOPA)

Sample NICUS 350 Report:
Columns A-I

Oracle IA Sample Report

Service Rates: Please see the MaineIT Rate Table.

Options Available for Additional Charge

  • Additional virtual servers, CPU, and Memory.
  • Please note, a minimum of two managed servers is required to provide high availability.
  • Local PC Administration of OIA/OPA and/or WebLogic.

Customer Expectations

  • Individual users follow State of Maine IT rules and policies, including all security policies.
  • Provide a contact person and backup at a minimum, but an email group is preferred. This group will receive updates and work with the Middleware team to configure and stand up the application.
  • Report any issues or problems with this service to the MaineIT team as promptly and with as complete information as is feasible.
  • With the new security climate, it is critical that we have teams validate patching in the pre-production environments prior to moving to production. If the applicant is unwilling or the application is unable to stay current, a security waiver must be submitted to the Enterprise Architect for approval. This includes but is not limited to the Operating System, OIA/OPA, WebLogic, and JDK software.
  • If the two managed server clustered configuration has been selected for production, then at least one clustered configuration is required in pre-production.
  • At least one pre-production environment is required for every production environment.

To get help, or to order this service

  • Call the MaineIT Service Center at 207-624-7700 and assign to the Oracle Middleware team.
  • For application projects (new projects, major enhancements, or upgrades), contact the Project Management Office (PMO).
  • An Assyst ticket is required for all non-production work requests. All production work requests require an authorized RFC. If applicable, a billing code is required for those items that are not part of the base published rate.
  • For new Middleware environments, please send an email to the Oracle Middleware team to schedule an intake discussion. Once complete, we will request and/or create a Footprints ticket requesting the environment. Most requests will be completed within two weeks of receiving of a completed request.
  • If the published Service Level Agreement is not met, the issues can be escalated to the next priority level by contacting any of the following individuals: 
  • For an after-hours production break fix, contact MaineIT Operations at Customer Support 207-624-7700

Priority Levels for monitoring

  • The standard production published service level agreement can be viewed at the following link: Standard SLA Maine IT Production Services.
  • Standard business hour coverage is 7:00AM – 5:00PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, please contact MaineIT Operations.
  • If service is required for non-production systems outside of the standard business hours, prior arrangements will be required with the director of this service area and associated fees will apply.