Performance Levels for Maine’s 4-Year Perkins State Plan (2024 Revision)
As required under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (“Perkins V”), the Maine DOE is completing a non-substantive revision of our four-year Perkins state plan. Among minor updates, this revision to the state plan will also include adjusted values of Maine’s state determined performance levels (“SDPLs” or “performance levels”) for the 2024-2025 school year through the 2027-2028 school year. These proposed adjusted values will more accurately represent available student data and will reflect more achievable thresholds at the state-level.
Maine’s proposed SDPLs for the upcoming four years are now available for public comment for the next sixty (60) days, with public comment closing on May 13, 2024(end of business day). Feedback should be provided through the available survey, found here. More information on the state plan and on Maine’s existing secondary and postsecondary SDPLs can be found on the Accountability page of the Department’s CTE website. Please note: the Perkins indicators (1S1, 2S1, etc) may not be changed: Maine is federally required to report on these performance indicators.
Proposed Secondary Performance Indicators

Comments will be reviewed and included in the final version of Maine’s 2024 Perkins State Plan (Revision). For additional information, please contact Dwight A. Littlefield (
2020 Perkins State Plan