Maine Seal of Biliteracy

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The Seal of Biliteracy is an award that recognizes student achievement in language learning. Students who are proficient in English and an additional language may earn the Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating their skills on an approved assessment. Highlighting the value of multilingualism, this award becomes part of a student's transcripts and gives students an edge for their post-secondary studies and/or future careers.


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Biliteracy Data Dashboard


Biliteracy Guide Image

Updated Coordinator Guide

**Please note the new requirements on page 4**



Awarding Process

Starting this school year, schools will be able to award the Seal of Biliteracy to students directly without submitting an application to the Maine Department of Education. Each participating school will designate a local Seal of Biliteracy Coordinator, who will have several key responsibilities. The Department encourages teams of educators and other staff to collaborate on Seal implementation. Full details about the process and requirements are included in the new Maine Seal of Biliteracy Coordinator Guide.

We are hopeful that these changes will increase accessibility to the Seal of Biliteracy and make the process easier and more streamlined for students and their teachers.

Eligibility Criteria

For languages other than English, individual language domain (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) scores must be at intermediate mid proficiency or above. If a given test does not provide individual domain scores, the overall score must be at intermediate mid proficiency or above.

Students whose primary/home language is other than English may be eligible for an exemption from the reading and writing domains if they have not had sufficient educational opportunity to become literate in their language. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may be eligible for an exemption from the listening domain. 

Language Minimum Evidence of Proficiency
English The student must have fulfilled (or be on track to fulfill, as of the start of their graduating year) the school’s English Language Arts requirements for graduation.
Additional Language One of the following:

Tests Available in Multiple Languages (Click on the links to see languages offered.)

Language-Specific Tests

Additional Pathways

  • Provide transcripts from a school in a foreign country showing at least three years of instruction in the student’s home/native language in 8th grade or beyond, with an equivalent grade average of B or higher.
  • For less commonly taught world languages and Native American languages without standardized testing options, please contact the ESOL State Specialist to establish an appropriate measure of intermediate mid proficiency based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

**Students seeking the Seal of Biliteracy through the ACTFL OPI may be required to show proficiency in other available language modalities using the ACTFL Listening (LPT), Reading (RPT), and/or Writing (WPT) tests.


Melanie Junkins
Multilingual and Bilingual State Specialist