Susan Meehan

Susan MeehanJob Title: Owner
Business: Mae's Mamas Supplements and Consulting
Seat Held on Workgroup: Caregiver Representative

Biography: Susan Meehan became a cannabis advocate in 2012 to help her late daughter, Cyndimae, battle with seizures that started when she was 10 months old. A medical refugee from Connecticut to Maine in 2013, Cyndimae enjoyed the last three years of her life off pharmaceutical drugs that had kept her seizing and wheelchair bound. Cyndimae lived, laughed and loved playing like a normal child in the cold mountain streams and winter snows of Maine.

Just days before her death, Cyndimae sat on Susan's lap in the Connecticut State House fighting for pediatric access to medical cannabis in a law that bears her name. Cyndimae died in her sleep due to Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), on March 13, 2016, at age 13. Today Susan, through Mae's Mamas, her caregiver business, works with other medical cannabis participants who donate lab time, materials, and product. Meehan provides discounted, lab tested medicines to pediatric patients throughout Maine.

In 2020, Dawson Julia and Susan Meehan established the United Cannabis Patients and Caregivers of Maine, also known as the Maine Cannabis Coalition. This is a nonprofit that aims to protect safe, affordable access for cannabis patients, caregivers, and business owners. Meehan currently serves as the Coalition’s Chairperson.

Membership in Trade and/or Civic Organizations: Chairperson and Co-Founder, Maine Cannabis Coalition; Co-Founder, Maine Children for Cannabis Therapy

Reason Applying for Workgroup: I applied to participate in this workgroup to contribute to creating program rules that protect patients and ensure the survival of the caregiver businesses that have helped build this Maine industry that comprises thousands of small businesses that serve about 100,000 patients throughout Maine's rural expansive geography.