Provisionally Adopted Rules

Provisional adoption of rules occurs only during the major substantive rulemaking process of the Maine Administrative Procedures Act. Major substantive rules are subject to review by the Maine Legislature before their formal adoption may proceed.

The Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP) has provisionally adopted a rule to revise standards for the Maine Medical Use of Cannabis Program. A copy of the provisionally adopted rule appears below. This version has benefited from the public comment process conducted by OCP.

Provisionally Adopted Rule
18-691 C.M.R., ch. 2, Maine Medical Use of Cannabis Program Rule PDF, 435KB

A marked up version of the provisionally adopted rule indicating the changes made is also available here.

For reference, the proposed rules from the initial round of revisions proposed by OCP at the start of the rulemaking process can be found here. The current program rule can be found here. Individuals with questions regarding these rules can contact OCP's policy director, Gabi Pierce, at

The table below contains additional materials posted at the request of the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs.

Provisionally Adopted Rule
MAPA Forms & Basis Statement
Public Comments*
18-691 C.M.R., ch. 2, Maine Medical Use of Cannabis Program Rule PDF, 10.8MB PDF, 597KB

*These are copies of the public comments submitted to OCP during the public comment period from September 6, 2023 to October 10, 2023.