Maine Town Reports

Description of Collection:

Each town in Maine is required by law to file an annual report. One copy of these reports, by law, is sent to the Maine State Library. The reports vary from simple pamphlets with financial data to long books complete with listings of all the residents who received town aid and all the teachers in the local schools. They provide a wealth of data on local Maine history. Fogler Library at the University of Maine has been digitizing town reports from the State Library and making them available electronically to all researchers. This is an ongoing project and new reports are regularly added to the electronic collection.
The physical collection is non circulating but can be examined by the public during normal business hours at the Maine State Library.

Circulation/Access Policy:
Digital copies are freely available to use. Hard copies may only be used at the State Library during normal hours
Number of Collection Items:
Between 76 - 250
Books, Pamphlets, Other
Catalog Web Address (if available):
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