Miller, Steve (1950 - )

Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Miller and his wife Sharon Lee live in Winslow, Maine and are the co-authors of the Liaden Universe books, romantic space operas.

Miller was born in Baltimore, attended Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County, and has had many careers, as music and book reviewer, reporter, editor, chess tournament director, librarian, sysop, resource specialist for a statewide electronic bulletin board system, and, after he and his wife moved to Maine, a stint as night shift employee of a Cumberland Farms convenience store.

Selected Bibliography

Liaden Universe

  • Agent of Change, (1988)
  • Conflict of Honors, (1988)
  • Carpe Diem, (1989)
  • Plan B, (2002)
  • Local Custom, (2002)
  • Scout's Progress, (2002)
  • I Dare, (2002)
  • Crystal Soldier (2005
  • Crystal Dragon (2006)
  • Balance of Trade, (2004) (winner of the Hal Clement Award for Best Young Adult Science Fiction Novel of 2004)

Gem ser Edreth adventures series,

  • The Tomorrow Log, (2003)

Selected Links