Kennedy, Kate (1949 - )

Genre: General Fiction, Non-Fiction

Cape Elizabeth resident Kate Kennedy is the author of two books and her work has been published in The Island Journal, the annual publication of the Island Institute and in literary magazines. She has also edited the Maine Island Trail Association's annual guidebook and she is currently writing a novel set in the 1950s southwest.

Kennedy grew up in Santa Monica, California, has an undergraduate degree from Wellesley and a master's degree from University of California, Los Angeles. She has lived in Maine since 1977 and taught writing at Portland High School for 20 years. One of the Maine Arts Commission's artists, she has conducted writing workshops at Colby College, the University of New England and at other locations throughout the state.


  • End Over End (2001)
  • More than Petticoats: Remarkable Maine Women (2005)

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