Dodd, Anne (1940 - )

Genre: Children's Literature, Non-Fiction - Scholarly

Anne Wescott Dodd lives in Brunswick, Maine, and is chair of the Dept. of Education at Bates College in Lewiston. She received her B.A. from Univ. of Maine in history and government, her M.A. from California State Univ at Los Angeles in English and American Studies, and her Ed.D. in educational leadership from Univ. of Maine. She has taught at Univ. of Maine, Augusta; Colby College; and as a secondary school teacher in Maine and California, including a position as principal of Freeport Middle School. Dodd is also co-editor of the Journal of Maine Education.

Dodd has published over 100 articles on education, language arts, and other topics.

Selected Bibliogrpahy

  • From Images to Words: A Visual Approach to Writing (1986)
  • Practical Strategies for Taming the Paper and People Problems in Teaching (1987)
  • A Handbook for Substitute Teachers (1989)
  • Beachcombing and Beachcrafting (1989)
  • A Parent's Guide to Innovative Education: Working with Teachers, Schools and Your Children for Real Learning (1992)
  • Footprints and Shadows (1992; children's book; illus. Henri Sorensen)
  • Parents as Partners in Learning: Their Beliefs About Effective Practices for Teaching and Learning High School English (1994)
  • Making Our High Schools Better: How Parents and Teachers Can Work Together (2000) with Jean L. Konzal
  • The Story of the Sea Glass (1999; children's picture book, which takes place on a Maine island; illus. Mary Beth Owens), which won the Golden Trap Award from the Maine Island Libraries Association.

Selected Resources