Lewisohn, James ( - )

Genre: Poetry

Poet James Lewisohn was born and raised in New York City, graduated from Brandeis University, received his master's from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York (1984) and his master's of divinity from the Bangor Theological Seminary. He taught English at the University of Southern Maine in Portland and published poetry in Poetry, American Poetry Review, The Saturday Review, Chelsea, The Hudson Review, Shenandoah and other publications.

In 1974, he was convicted of killing his wife and spent several years in the Maine State Prison. He was paroled in 1984.

Selected Bibliography

  • Roslyn (1975)
  • Golgotha: Letters from Prison: Poems (1976)
  • Light at the End of the Tunnel (ed.) (1976)
  • Out of the Depths: A Book of Prison Poems (1977)
  • Lead Us Forth from Prison: Poems (1977)
  • At the Ninth Hour: A Book of Prison Poems (ed.) (1977)
  • On the Seventh Day: A Book of Prison Poems and Graphics (ed.) (1978)
  • A Morning Offering: Poetry and Prose (1979)