Health Videos

Adventures at Camp Moosetooth

3 programs - 15 min. each; K-4; Dental Health, Nutrition; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Human Services (1984)

In Adventures At Camp Moosetooth, Bruce the Dental Health Moose and his friend, Yvonne the French Canadian Goose, help the campers discuss the importance of good dental habits, including eating wisely; tooth brushing, flossing, and using fluoride; and what to do in the event of a dental accident. Each program emphasizes a particular topic area.

  1. The Sugar Shakedown
  2. Smug Smile Summer Games
  3. The Great Camp Moosetooth Scavenger Hunt

Be Smart, Stay Safe

22 min.; K-8; Guidance, Health, Safety, Self-Awareness; Distributed by: Key Bancshares of Maine, Inc. (1987)

Be Smart, Stay Safe serves as a guide for children to follow. It points out the importance of "being smart so you can stay safe." Through illustration and practice, children are taught to think carefully about strange and unusual situations and decide what to do about them. They are shown examples of how other children would handle difficult situations.

Behind the Smoke Screen: Facts About Tobacco Use

30 min.; 6-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health; International Telecommunication Services (1999)

Sadly, use among young people is on the increase. This program, targeted at middle and high school students in both urban and rural areas, tries to persuade viewers not to smoke or chew tobacco and coaches them on how to quit if they already do. The focus is on the toll which nicotine takes on the body. Graphic examples of people with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer of the larynx, and cancerous mouth lesions drive home the point. The effects of smoking during pregnancy, cigar smoking, and secondary smoke are also addressed. Overall, tobacco use is portrayed as an overwhelmingly undesireable habit, likely to hinder social and job prospects, as well as shorten one's life.

Dare to be Different: Resisting Drug Related Peer Pressure

20 min.; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

The program focuses on a friendship that falters when Sarah and Kim realize that they have different goals for the end of senior year. Sarah pursues her interest in track, while Kim starts hanging out with a group that uses drugs.

Downfall: Sports & Drugs

30 min.; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1987)

This documentary shows athletes how drugs can harm their performance on the playing field and in their lives. The program focuses special attention on the dangerous mental and physical side effects that steroids can cause. The message is that drugs don't make athletic careers, they break them. And sometimes drugs kill.

Drug Avengers

10 programs - 10 min. each; K-6; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

These animated adventures introduce drug education to the youngest students. Each vignette has its own message, such as: don't eat anything unless you know what it is; drugs make things worse, not better; offering or accepting an offer of drugs is not the right way to become someone's friend; there are ways to refuse drugs and still keep your friends. Drug Avengers teach easy, sensible ways to refuse drugs.

Please note: Programs 1-5 are for use in grades K-3; while program 1 plus programs 6-10 are for grades 4-6.

  1. From the Future...The Drug Avengers
  2. Body Talk
  3. Up & Down
  4. Street Talk
  5. Uh Oh Video
  6. Fast Friends
  7. Picture Perfect
  8. Trick or Treat?
  9. Double Scare
  10. Rock Solid

Family After Divorce: Restoring Family Fabric

60 min.; 9-12; Current Issues, Guidance, Health; Produced by: A Center for the Awareness of Pattern (1992)

The program demonstrates how families, instead of "breaking" after divorce can expand, and how families who have "broken" in the past can restore their family fabric for the well-being of the children and adults alike.

Fast Forward Future

60 min.; 4-6; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

This fantasy program features a magical VCR that enables three students to examine the way they have handled peer pressure in the past and how they can change it. It includes a few "Drug Facts" about how different substances affect the body.

Franklin, The Good Food Friend

10 programs - 15 min. each; K-3; Health, Nutrition; Produced by: University of Maine at Farmington

Teaches positive attitudes and common sense about nutrition and life-long good food habits. Bill Wood as Franklin, a well-known figure in Maine, hosts the show.

  1. Can You Make Veggies Disappear?
  2. Are You Spending The Morning Yawning?
  3. Are You A Wasteful Wild Willie?
  4. Snacks With Zap
  5. Invisible Helpers
  6. Preventing Burger Burn-Out
  7. The Great Supermarket Safari
  8. Turn Up & Push Up
  9. What Are Little Boys & Girls Made Of?
  10. A Good Food Review

Friendship, Maine: A Case Study

6 min.; 7-12; Current Issues, Environment, Health, Maine Studies; Produced by: Media Source (1986)

Looks at an environmental disaster shaping up in one of Maine's prettiest coastal villages. The community is Friendship and the nightmare is the pollution of the water supply due to leaking underground gas tanks.

From Land to Landfill - A Systems Perspective

4 15 min. programs; 5-8; Agriculture, Environment, Health/Wellness, Nutrition; International Telecommunication Services (1995)

The Land To Landfill curriculum integrates social studies, mathematics, science, language arts, home economics, and health and nutrition into one entertaining short series. The programs help students develop a systems perspective on the crucial topic of how we get our food, how we consume and dispose of it and the packaging, and deals with future food sources and questions.

  1. Overview of the Food System
  2. The packaging Process
  3. Hunger and the Food System
  4. Sustainability of the Food System

Hard Facts About Alcohol, Marijuana & Crack

30 min.; 10-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

The program opens with high school freshmen filing into an auditorium for their class picture. The segments that follow show alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and crack devastating the lives of the class. By graduation, six of them are missing from the senior class picture. Voice over narration emphasizes the dangers of each drug.

Hazards of Drugged Driving

2 programs - 15 min. each; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health; Produced by: Mazda/Melear Multi-Media, Inc. (1986)

The Hazards Of Drugged Driving focuses on the specific issues which are relevant to the serious hazard of intoxicated driving, particularly among teenage drivers. The course provides students with the information that they need to avoid drug use, protect themselves from others who use drugs, and respond appropriately when confronted with a situation which involves drugs or drugged driving.

  1. The Drugged Driver
  2. Survival

Help Wanted

8 programs - 15 min. each; 7-12; Agriculture, Career Education, Comminication, Criminal Justice, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: International Telecommunication Services (1987)

Help Wanted investigates a variety of vocations for the student who is preparing to enter the work force or go on to college. Job preparation and survival are discussed by people who are active in the fields discussed. The responsibilities and the skills needed for each occupation are discussed.

  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Television & Radio Broadcasting
  3. Medical Technologist
  4. Animal Health Technologist
  5. Secretarial Science
  6. Educationist
  7. Law Enforcement
  8. Agriculturist

Jackson Laboratory

60 min.; 7-12; Career Education, Health, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Public Broadcasting (1984)

A setting that speaks of summer pleasures and the dramatic beauty of the rock-bound coast of Maine seems an unlikely spot for scientists whose influence and abilities are known world-wide, ongoing research vital to health and well-being, and buildings housing appealing mice especially bred to make their contribution to future generations. The program takes an in-depth look at the three principal functions of the extensive facility: the breeding of laboratory mice, cancer and genetic research, and education. Viewers are given a look at the research lab through the eyes of seven scientists who work there. Topics explored are: the difference between basic and applied research; the use of mice for research; concerns for the health and treatment of mice; cancer research; concerns for genetic manipulation and its moral and ethical considerations; the quest for funding.

Just Beer

20 min.; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health, Self-Awareness; Distributed by: Perennial Education (1985)

Drinking has become an alarming way of life for many teenagers. Just Beer speaks directly to teens, using a series of dramatized situations to illustrate the physiological reactions to beer and to dispel common myths about alcohol intake. The program includes comments from teenagers who have given up drinking beer because of the adverse effects on schoolwork, family life, friendships, and their health.


2 programs - var. lengths; 6-9; Guidance, Health, Self-Awareness, Teacher Education; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Mental Health & Mental Retardation (1991)

KID-TV is designed to give students a better understanding of mental illness. The central purpose is to help eliminate the stigma often associated with mental illness.

  1. Part 1 (18 min.) - Takes you behind the headlines for the real story on mental illness. The program features actors from the Teens inTheatre group and the Second Step Players in a sequence where they examine commonly held ideas and prejudices.
  2. Part 2 (24 min.) -Is a cast discussion on mental illness...the real story! The kids from Teens in Theatre and adults from the Second Step Players talk candidly about their feelings and apprehensions on mental illness and what life is like for those who have it.

Lookin' Good

2 programs - 30 min. each; 7-9; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

Based on true-life incidents involving drug and alcohol use, Lookin' Good shows how a handful of concerned students, with the help of their school and community, build a peer support group to resist peer pressure to get involved with drugs. Although the programs emphasize prevention, they also recognize that some students have already been exposed to drugs and may need treatment.

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2

Open Water & Safe Harbors

5 programs - 20 min. each; 7-12; Guidance, Health; Distributed by: Maine Committee on Aging (1988)

Open Water & Safe Harbors is an intergenerational program which grew out of a recognition that significant numbers of young people lacked the knowledge that life planning skills are necessary to make sound decisions in their lives and that decisions made in their teens affect their options in later life. Also, many of those same young people had never experienced a close relationship with an older person.

  1. On Deck
  2. Charting a Course
  3. Far From Shore
  4. Rough Waters
  5. Gentle Breezes

Private Victories

4 programs - 30 min. each; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

These programs emphasize that it's possible for young people to achieve private victories by caring enough about themselves to reject drugs; relate the dangers of drugs clearly and concisely; and demonstrate that those who decide against drugs can influence friends to do the same.

  1. Bobby
  2. Hank
  3. Jackie & Stacy
  4. Todd

Quest - 2003

60 min. each; 4-12; Environment, Forests & Forestry, Health/Wellness, Maine Studies, Science; Maine PBS (2003)

  1. Wilderness - Is there such a thing as true wilderness anymore in northern New England ? And would we know it if we saw it? Not everyone defines wilderness the same way. And a relatively new science, conservation biology, is giving us even more options. Experience the region's most wild and stunning places as QUEST seeks out wilderness, old growth forests, and ecological reserves in Maine , New Hampshire and Vermont . This is the first widescreen program ever produced by Maine PBS!
  2. Autumn - Long before the first leaf turns red or most wild berries are ripe for eating, the natural world is busy getting ready for winter. So if fall starts that early for plants and animals, how do they know the seasons are changing? Witness the incredible communication that goes on with biochemicals that "tells" the natural world when to start preparing for colder weather.
  3. Winter - For those plants and animals that don't migrate south for winter, a lot of preparation goes into getting ready for winter. But it takes more than that to make it through our long cold winters. Creating their own anti-freeze and re-directing bloodflow are just a few of the amazing adaptations the natural world has come up with that we'll explore on QUEST. What many plants and animals know that we humans don't when it comes to dealing with winter.
  4. Remote Sensing - It wasn't until manned space missions that we learned how seeing a bigger picture gave us a whole new appreciation of our world. Now we routinely gather and interpret data from a distance. See for yourself how remote sensing helped secure emergency relief funds in the wake of the 1998 ice storm in northern New England forests. And how satellite images of microscopic phytoplankton in the Gulf of Maine may help solve some global warming problems.
  5. Managing Wildlife - Wildlife is always surprising us - even when pushed to the brink of extinction. Animals we once tried to get rid of are now literally at our backdoors. Marvel at the triumphant return of black bear, moose, fisher, and perhaps the cougar. And see how we're just beginning to learn about other species. Discover how it took DNA testing to figure out that some songbird chicks have three or more parents. QUEST explores how the mysteries of our wildlife are being solved.
  6. Food - How is it that we're always dieting yet still face an epidemic of obesity and diabetes? We are what we eat, nutritionists tell us. But there seems to be mass confusion about what we should be eating. QUEST explores how the government's food pyramid and many of the latest diet plans only make it more confusing. Get the skinny on what you should know about food.

Right Chemistry

3 programs - var. lengths; 7-12; Environment, Health, Safety; Distributed by: Chemical Manufacturers Association (1984)

Discusses chemicals as a source of continuing concern: Are they safe? What do they do to the environment? What is being done to control them?

  1. Doing Something (22 min.)
  2. The Need to Know (28 min.)
  3. The Chemical Industry (5 min.)

Smokeless Tobacco

6 min.; 4-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health, Smoking; Produced by: Media Source (1986)

The urgency of and interest in the health alerts associated with the growing nationwide use of smokeless tobacco has prompted the Office of Dental Health, Maine Dept. of Human Services to muster a new information initiative on the dental disease and cancer risks triggered by the use of smokeless tobacco. Outlines the health risks and features Maine high school students who talk about their use of chewing tobacco.

Smoking & Teenage Women

5 min.; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health, Smoking; Produced by: Media Source (1986)

The good news is that thousands of people have successfully quit cigarette smoking since the 1960's. The bad news is that Maine women are smoking more than the national average for women, and smoking among teenage girls is on the increase. In response to these facts, the Maine Lung Association is escalating its programs aimed at women, especially pregnant women. We look at why more Maine women are smoking and what kind of help is available for them.

Space Works 18: Commitment to Challenge

30 min.; 7-12; Environment, Health, Space; Distributed by: National Aeronautics & Space Administration (1988)

Gives a brief overview of the Johnson Space Center including mission operations and planning, new scientific and technological developments, and educational programs. Includes a look at a "cool suit" used by a young boy with a rare physical condition, the ozone hole over Earth, and improvements in aircraft instrument arrangements.

Speak Up, Speak Out: Learning to Say No to Drugs

20 min.; 10-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

As the senior class boards a bus for the trip to Washington, DC, Steve tries to persuade Matt to hold a party in his hotel room the last night of the trip - a real send off for the senior class. Steve says he'll arrange for alcohol and marijuana, but Matt isn't so sure. His friends show Matt how to recognize and resist Steve's pressure. In the end, Matt refuses to do something he knows is wrong.

Straight at Ya'

45 min.; 7-9; Alcohol & Drug Education, Guidance, Health; Distributed by: US Dept. of Education (1988)

The teenage star of ABC's Growing Pains, Kirk Cameron, hosts this effective video which takes place in a typical junior high classroom. Kirk engages the kids in a lively discussion which covers such topics as peer pressure, mustering the resolve to say no, and cultivating a positive life style alternative to drug taking.

Straight Up: Talking to Your Kids About Alcohol

60 min.; 7-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Health; Produced by: Maine Association of Broadcasters (1997)

The program looks at the problem of underage drinking in Maine. Using a documentary format, it explores all aspects of the issue and suggests solutions. The D.A.R.E. program is discussed. A must viewing for students, teachers, and parents.

Teens 'N Theatre 2

30 min.; 5-8; Alcohol & Drug Education, Communication, Guidance, Health, Fine Arts, Self Awareness, Teacher Education; Produced by: Adolescent Pregnancy Coalition (1987)

Improvisational theatre is being used nationwide in successful adolescent pregnancy and drug and alcohol prevention programs. In 1986, the Adolescent Pregnancy Coalition funded a new theatre group at Skowhegan Junior High to impact on the issues facing fifth through eighth graders. The troupe of 35 young people, under the direction of Marti Stevens, performs for schools and organizations statewide. The program explores the process by which young teens and school officials can cooperate in addressing the issues of adolescent sexuality, peer pressure, alcohol and drug abuse, self-esteem building, inter-generational communication and drop-out prevention. It also shows how teen theatre works to motivate students and to improve the overall communication climate in a school. It can serve as a framework for replication of the teen theatre concept in your school district or as background and preview before inviting TNT 2 to visit your school.

Teens @ Work: Starting Safely

12 min.; 9-12; Career Education, Health, Safety; Produced by: Maine Department of Labor (1998)

Understanding health and safety hazards young workers face on the job. Prevention issues, and rights of young workers, including child labor laws.


30 - 30 min. programs ; 9-12 ; Career/Vocational Education, Health/Wellness, Language Arts, Mathematics ;

TV411 is an exciting 30-part video series for adult learners that uses real-life topics to teach pre-GED-level basic skills. This indispensable learning tool is packed with expert advice and proven tips to promote active learning. The program content focuses on parenting, money matters, and health; specific subjects include reading comprehension, research how-to's, writing to others, filling out forms, calculating percentages, using fractions, taking tests, and more.

  • #101 Question Man uses a thesaurus to find synonyms, while Stephen Colman illustrates the use of synonyms and antonyms in slam poetry. Laverne helps a coworker figure out how much of her pay is taken out in taxes, job seekers create dossiers to help in their job hunts, a Nashville mechanic shares his experiences, and Michael Franti of Spearhead explains how he writes songs.
  • #102 Members of the Dallas Cowboys use football to illustrate examples of decimals and percentages; Agent Know How shows how to get a library card; poet Jimmy Santiago Baca tells how he discovered the power of language while serving time in prison, then leads a writing seminar; and Question Man explains when to use apostrophes.
  • #103 Job seekers prepare for filling out applications by creating personal data sheets, and singer/songwriter Phoebe Snow talks about music and the composing process. A mother creates a medical "bible" in order to document and track her chronically ill child's medical history.
  • #104 Actress Kathy Bates talks about books that have been made into movies, a woman from Pittsburgh tells how she reached her goal of becoming a travel agent, the book club reads Laura Esquivel's Like Water for Chocolate, and Malik Yoba shares tips on how to keep a journal.
  • #105 The book club reads I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, Agent Know How goes looking for information at the library, and Laverne helps a new father of triplets multiply his shopping list. The Lifelines segment shows how to prepare for a visit to the doctor.
  • #106 Question Man shows how to take a phone message, Laverne helps shoppers get the best deals on television sets, and pop/rock band BETTY teaches about homonyms. Job seekers learn how to write résumés, and an Indiana woman talks about going back to school as an adult so she could become a nurse.
  • #107 Olympic track star Florence Griffith Joyner introduces a segment in which skaters Tai Babalonia and Randy Gardner calculate an average. An animated segment shows how to look up a word in a dictionary, and New York artist Esperanza Cortez shares her battle with dyslexia.
  • #108 Job seekers work on writing cover letters for applications, Laverne helps a shopper with diabetes get nutritional information from food labels, and "Dictionary Cinema" shows how to look up a word you don't know how to spell.
  • #109 Agent Know How tries out the library computer to find a book, and a father shares tips on reading to children. The book club members read Angela's Ashes and meet author Frank McCourt.
  • #110 A young couple gets advice on getting their finances under control from a credit counselor, and John Fugelsang hosts a look at the fine print on "too-good-to-be-true" credit card offers. The "Rip Off" segment looks critically at a TV ad, and author Studs Terkel reads from his book Working.
  • #111 Salsa musician Rubén Blades performs some of his songs and talks about his writing process. An El Paso mother enters the Even Start program and learns ways to bring her family closer together through reading and writing. Then Question Man shares tips on taking tests.
  • #112 Laverne helps a young man write a card to his girlfriend, parents choose a school for their child, and bluegrass singer/songwriter Hazel Dickens shares some of her music.
  • #113 Professional women basketball players explain applications of fractions and percentages in their sport, new immigrants get advice on applying for citizenship, and Laverne helps a customer fill out an application for store credit. An Oakland woman shares how writing a letter can generate change in a community.
  • #114 A son writes an emotional letter to his estranged father, and Dictionary Cinema shows how foreign words are listed. An adult learner talks to his boss about his continuing education. LaPhonso Ellis and Alan Henderson of the NBA demonstrate how to figure out time and distance on a map when planning a trip. Also, tips on highlighting text, a pop quiz about word origins, and an explanation of the word reconcile.
  • #115 Question Man goes to the library for books on parenting, and Laverne explains how to use a glossary to read a health insurance plan. Street Beat offers advice on figuring the tip in a restaurant, and a mother and daughter create a daily schedule. Poet Jimmy Santiago Baca shows a group of adult learners how to keep a journal. Other topics include energy consumption of appliances and the word stereotype.
  • #116 Question Man looks at the economics of rent-to-own deals, basketball pro Olympia Scott-Richardson shows how she uses her day planner to stay organized, and actor Dennis Franz gives a tip on reading the newspaper. Laverne helps a painting contractor figure the cost of a job, and singer-songwriter Toshi Reagon writes a song on the spot. Other topics include credit card debt and the word analogy.
  • #117 A couple of first-time home buyers learn how to read a mortgage chart, Question Man works on understanding his utility bill, and Street Beat shows how to evaluate written information. Four students from California, calling themselves the Freedom Writers, use pen and paper to fight prejudice and intolerance. Also: how to use a thesaurus, a pop quiz about volunteering, and the word anomaly.
  • #118 Question Man reads the newspaper, ABC News anchor Antonio Mora hosts a report on multiple intelligences, tennis pro Zina Garrison explains percentiles and rankings, and Jimmy Santiago Baca shows a group of adult learners how to summarize a poem. Street Beat covers looking up government listings in the phone book, while other segments introduce facts about the United States Census and the word dynamics.
  • #119 Tips on how to summarize almost anything, a pop quiz about adults in college, and the word marginalized. ABC News anchor Antonio Mora reports on different learning styles, a Maryland steel worker studies for his GED, Laverne explains how to use unit price labels on store shelves, and poet Jimmy Santiago Baca talks about how he discovered the joy of language.
  • #120 While reading a pamphlet on breast cancer, Laverne explains the basics of probability and odds. Elizabeth Daniels Squire, a novelist who is also dyslexic, talks about her work, and Antonio Mora of ABC News reports on dyslexia. Also: different meanings for the same word, how to learn and remember new words, a quiz about water and the human body, and the word genetics.
  • #121 Body Works - Olympic medalist Marian Jones demonstrates the concept of rate, and two math-savvy Calculating Women take charge of an overweight friend's calorie counting. "Lifelines" explores smart ways to manage multiple medications, mind mentor Michael Gelb shares an innovative technique for brainstorming and retaining ideas, and Michael Beech of Third Watch offers tips for handling an emergency.
  • #122 Personal Finances - Question Man gets financial advice from a millionaire, a teenage father gets help starting up a small lollipop business as he pursues his GED, the Calculating Women estimate and calculate their way to the perfect cell phone plan, and a federal official reveals the math behind common money scams.
  • #123 The Learning Journey - Strategies for reading comprehension on the GED test, ratios in the kitchen with TV chef Curtis Aikens, the story of how one man left prison and low literacy behind, and a look at what happened when an entire Midwestern town read the same novel.
  • #124 On the Job - Question Man figures out how to decipher legalese, an Appalachian man tells how he succeeded in changing careers after the end of his coal-mining days, and the Calculating Women explore strategies for building up retirement savings. "Math Behind the Arts" features a New York City subway tile artist.
  • #125 Navigating the System - Tips on how to avoid credit card debt from the Calculating Women; a profile of a New York man who, despite a reading disability, teaches others how to pass written driver's license exams; and advice from Laverne on over-the-counter medicine labels and prescription dosages. Three Harlem Globetrotters demonstrate how to read a world map.
  • #126 Family Matters - An African immigrant struggles to learn to read and raise a family in America, Laverne helps a young mother child-proof her home, and an African-American woman researches her family roots over the Internet and in the field. Hip-hop star Doug E. Fresh teaches parents and children how to rap while they read.
  • #127 Writing - Question Man tackles sentence fragments in a grammatically correct dream, poet Jimmy Baca conducts a dynamic writing workshop with steelworkers, and Laverne helps a co-worker create an outline for a GED essay on disciplining children. A peek behind the scenes at the popular Bernie Mac Show looks in on a professional brainstorming session.
  • #128 Express Yourself - Newly minted writer Kathi Wellington tells stories from her days as a female steelworker, and origami artist June Sakamoto gives a geometry lesson. Parents and children interpret art and symbolism at the Philadelphia Museum, and Broadway performers from Russell Simmons' Def Poetry Jam demonstrate that writing poetry can be both literary and exuberant.
  • #129 Math for Life - A drummer and the chorus line of Forty-Second Street demonstrate fractions in action, a carpenter shows how math is critical to her work, Mets pitcher Al Leiter illustrates the perimeter of a baseball diamond, and Laverne explains percentages and multiple markdowns for bargain hunters.
  • #130 Media - Question Man gets the scoop from a reporter on how to read between the lines, and "Straight to the Source" looks over the shoulder of political cartoonist Don Margolies as he creates his caricatures. DC United soccer star Nick Rimando shows how he uses computers and the Internet while he's on the road, and the book club visits a special class in New York where workers learn about the history of the Depression through Dorothea Lange's celebrated photographs.

What About Lindsay?

60 min.; 9-12; Current Issues, Health, Human Rights, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Public Television (1998)

This documentary features Maine citizens with developmental disabilities living successfully in their communities. It focuses on their daily routines, including finding work, paying bills, making friends, finding someone to love, feeling a sense of community, and having a home.

What Do You Say?

30 min.; 6-8; Alcohol & Drug Education, Communication, Guidance, Health, Self-Awareness; Produced by: Maine Association of Broadcasters (1998)

This program is aimed at helping parents of middle-school-aged children talk honestly and openly with one another about alcohol. Program segments include "role-playing" conversations between adults and adolescents and round-table discussions of typical situations involving alcohol that call for parental reaction.