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Check-out the Internet Project
The “Check-out the Internet” pilot project gives Washington County students high-speed wireless internet access at home using mobile Wi-Fi devices borrowed from their library. The program aims to help Washington County students access online resources and continue educational activities at home.
Wi-Fi devices will be loaned to eligible students one month but may be renewed by visiting the library. The program is limited to students who don’t already have internet access at home, but do have a school issued computer or tablet from the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI).
Students from communities served by the Cherryfield Public Library, the Peabody Memorial Library in Jonesport, Calais Free Library, Henry D. Moore Library in Steuben, Lubec Memorial Library and the Peavey Memorial Library in Eastport are encouraged to visit their local library reserve a device or learn more. There are a limited number of devices and the units will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis to qualified individuals.
Funding for this program comes through a sub-grant from the New York Public Library as part of a Library Hotspot grant funded program. The initiative is covering all costs related to the purchase of the Wi-Fi devices and broadband access.
For More Information
To learn more about the project, contact one of the participating libraries.
Cherryfield Public Library - 207-546-4228
Calais Free Library - 207-454-2758
Henry D. Moore Library - 207-546-7301
Lubec Memorial Library - 207-733-2491
Peabody Memorial Library - 207-497-3003
Peavey Memorial Library - 207-853-4021