Public Speaking Success in 20 Minutes a Day


Become an effective public speaker in just 20 minutes a day! Public speaking is one of the biggest sources of fear and stress for people, and it is practically unavoidable over the course of a lifetime. Job interviews, weddings, and work presentations?these are just a few of the situations that may require you to write a speech and share words with a large group.

This electronic book is for anyone who needs to brush up on their public speaking skills, from college students to recent graduates who are interviewing for jobs, businesspeople who need to improve their presentation skills, and ordinary people who find themselves called upon to speak in any of a vast array of public forums.

With just a short lesson each day, learn how to write a compelling speech and present your words in a clear and thoughtful manner.

How will Public Speaking Success in 20 Minutes a Day give you the edge? Our unique, step-by-step approach will:

  • Teach you about the different types of speeches and how to prepare for each
  • Show you how to construct a quality presentation
  • Make you a more confident and polished speaker
  • Give you examples of visual aids to enhance your speech
  • Show you the most common mistakes people make and how to avoid them

This is a downloadable PDF file.