Legislative Summaries

The following summaries are prepared to provide an overview of education-related bills enacted by the Maine Legislature.

131 Maine Legislature

Dec. 2022-Dec. 2024

Second Regular Session (2024)

Maine Education Related Laws Enacted

First Regular and First Special Session (2023)

Maine Education Related Laws Enacted

130 Maine Legislature

Dec. 2020-Dec. 2022

Second Regular Session (2022)

Maine Education Related Laws Enacted

First Regular and First Special Session (2021)

Maine Education Related Laws Enacted

129 Maine Legislature

Dec. 2018-Dec. 2020

First Regular Session (2019)

Maine Education Related Laws Enacted



Courtney Belolan
Director of Policy and Government Affairs
Phone: 207-215-7396

Laura Cyr
Federal and State Legislative Specialist
Phone: 207-446-8791
Email: Laura.Cyr@maine.gov

Jennifer Belanger 
Legislative and Constituent Services Specialist
Phone: 207-620-4575