Clayton Stone, At Your Service

Clayton Stone, At Your Service

Reviewed by: Kristin Taylor - Biddeford High School, Biddeford, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: March 8, 2016


Who would of thought that the President of the United States would be calling on a hidden phone in your dead grandfather's study? Clayton definitely didn't and then to find out that your parents (who are also deceased) and your grandmother (who you thought was mild mannered) were agents for the Special Service, which out ranks the Secret Service.

This fun and witty book is geared for grades 4 through 9 but anyone who reads will enjoy the adventure and humor that is a major part of the story. Well written with a plot that thickens as the story progresses would be an excellent book for reluctant readers, especially boys. Clayton, the main character, is a 12 year old lacrosse playing young man who foils a sinister kidnapping plot and scares the daylights out his grandmother, who by the way, isn't as mild-mannered as Clayton originally thought.

A must have on library shelves, maybe a couple copies, because once the word gets out, it won't be on the shelves long!

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Jones, Ena

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Holiday House

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: adventure

Audience: grades 4-6,grades 7-9

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780823433896

Price: 16.95