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White, E. B. (1899 - 1985)
Genre: Children's Literature, Non-Fiction
Born in Mt. Vernon NY, but a Brooklin resident for many years (and a childhood summer resident of Belgrade, Maine), E. B. (Andy) White is best known as the author of the children's classics Charlotte's Web (1952), Stuart Little (1945) (which together won the 1970 Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal), and The Trumpet of the Swan (1970). Charlotte's Web was set in Brooklin and at the Blue Hill Fair. He also wrote for many years for The New Yorker magazine.
White published One Man's Meat (1942), a book of essays on Maine life, from columns originally written for Harper's magazine.
White died in October of 1985.
Selected Bibliography
- Ho-Hum: Newsbreaks from the New Yorker (1931)
- The Owl in the Attic and Other Perplexities (1931)
- Everyday is Saturday (1934)
- Quo vadimus?, or, The Case for the Bicycle (1939)
- The Wild Flag: Editorials from the New Yorker on Federal World Government and Other Matters (1946)
- Here is New York (1949)
- Is Sex Necessary, or Why Do You Feel the Way You Do? (1950)
- The Second Tree from the Corner (1954)
- The Points of My Compass: Letters from the East, the West, the North, and the South (1962)
- An E. B. White Reader (1966)
- The Elements of Style (1972)
- The Letters of E. B. White (1976)
- The Essays of E. B. White (1977)
- Poems and Sketches of E. B. White (1981)
- Writings from the New Yorker, 1927-1976 (1990)
Selected Resources
- E.B. White : a biography by Scott Elledge (1984)
- E. B. White: Some Writer by Beverly Gherman (1992) -- for juvenile audiences
- E.B. White by Aimee LaBrie (2004) -- for juvenile audiences
- The story of Charlotte's Web: E. B. White's eccentric life in nature and the birth of an American classic by Michael Sims (2011)
- Vertical File Maine State Library
- Encyclopedia of World Biography E. B. White entry
- Material from Maine State Library files