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Maine Vertical File
The Maine State Library houses a unique collection of vertical files on Maine-related subjects; these folders and clipping books include not only newspaper clippings, but also magazine articles, pamphlets, and ephemera. The materials must be used at the State Library, and may be photocopied. Be prepared to wear gloves when using the files.
The amount of material in any particular file varies. Some contain extensive material; others contain only one or two items. You may contact the reference department to discuss the contents of any particular file.
This list is a work in progress. Less than half the files owned by the library are listed here. Expect changes to the content and format of this site as more data is added and edited.
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Title | Subject | Material Type | Coverage Years | Location Code |
"As Maine Goes" Political Slogan | Political Barometer, Dictionary Meaning | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - | VF |
Abbe, James | Photojournalist born in Alfred, Me 1883-1975 | Newspaper | 1936 | BIO |
Abbott, Bernice | Photographer 1898-1991 resident of Monson, ME | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | BIO | |
Abbott, Jacob | Maine Writer 1803-1879 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1940-1961 | BIO |
Abloom in Maine | Flowers, Gardening, J.H.Lovell | Brochure, Newspaper | 1928 - 1929 | B1 |
Abromson, Linda & Joel | Republican legislator representing District Twenty-Seven, and his wife from Portland Maine, 1938-2002 | Newspaper | 1995 | BIO |
Academies | Schools, Seminary | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1952 | B2 |
Academies & Private Schools 1 | Prep Schools, Land Grants, Oldest Private Academy | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1976 | VF |
Academies & Private Schools 2 | Financial, Prep Schools, Mergers, Parental Involvement, Skakel Trial, Maine School of Science and Mathematics, | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1912 - | VF |
Acadia National Park 1 | Legislation, Lafayette Park, Carriage Roads, Granite Bridges, George Buchnam Dorr | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - 1989 | VF |
Acadia National Park 2 | Air Quality, Flora & Fauna, Services, Schoodic, Rockefeller Roads, Hiking, Biking, Annual Report | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1991 - | VF |
Acadians | Settlement of Acadian, Culture Centers | Newspaper, Magazine | 1993 - | VF |
Achorn, Edgar Oakes | Attorney, born in Newcastle Maine, 1859-1931 | Newspaper | 1931-1933 | BIO |
Actors, Compsers, Musicians, Poets, Singers, Writers | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1925 - 1960 | B3 |
Adams, Eustace | Author from Saco Maine, 1891-1963 | Newspaper | 1938 | BIO |
Adams, Jonathan Edwards | Reverend and missionary, 1822-1901 | Newspaper | 1933 | BIO |
Agrafiotis, Peter | Maine writer and painter, 1947- | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1977-1978 | BIO |
Agriculture | Cooperatives in Maine, Lumberman's Frontier, Lucie Carl, Albert S. Carlson, Pickles | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920- | VF |
Agriculture 2 | County Offices, Farming, Sustainable Agriculture, Organic, Genetic Engineering, MOFGA | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1992- | VF |
Airports | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1934 - 1940 | B4 |
Airports World War II | Military Weather Station | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 - 1945 | B5 |
Akers, Benjamin Paul | Maine sculptor, 1825-1861 | Brochure, Photocopy | 1927-1966 | BIO |
Akers, Elizabeth | Maine poet, 1832-1911, author of the poem Rock Me to Sleep | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932-1946 | BIO |
Akers, Vivian | Maine artist from Norway Maine, 1886-1966 | Newspaper | 1927-1966 | BIO |
Albee, Edward F. | A central figure in the world of vaudeville, born in Machias Maine, 1857-1930 | Newspaper | 1928- | BIO |
Albee, Fred H. | Surgeon best known for his contributions to bone grafting and rehabilitation medicine, born in Alna Maine, 1876-1945 | Newspaper | 1933-1999 | BIO |
Albion, Robert G. | History professor and author from South Portland Maine, 1896-1983 | Newspaper | 1937-1964 | BIO |
Aldridge, Richard | Poet, lived in Phippsburg Maine, 1930-1994 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1972-1994 | BIO |
Alewives | Damariscotta Mills, Sebasticook River, St. Croix River, Kennebec Turkeys, Orland's Alewife Fishery | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1944- | VF |
Alfond, Harold | Maine Notable 1914 ? 2007 Business, philanthropist | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1994- | BIO |
Allagash Region | Jobs, Lawsuit, Conservation, Schools, Michael A. Bond, Letters, Water Way, John's Bridge, Winter, Brochures | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Allagash Region, Vol. 1 | Cross Rock Dam, 101st Legislature bills LD 115 & 874, Maine Power Authority | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1960 - 1966 | B6 |
Allagash Region, Vol. 2 | Dickey Bill, Dickey-Lincoln School Hydroelectric Project | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1959 - 1969 | B7 |
Allen, Charles Edwin | Dresden Maine historian | Newspaper | 1931 | BIO |
Allen, Edward C. | Publisher, born in Manchester Maine, 1849-1925 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1943-1999 | BIO |
Allen, Tom | Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Maine's First District, in office 1997-2009 | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1992-2009 | BIO |
Alley, Major Ronald E. | Army major from Bar Harbor Maine, convicted of wartime collaboration with the enemy while imprisoned in Korea | Newspaper | 1955-1959 | BIO |
Allinson, Anne Crosby Emery | Scholar and first female dean of Pembroke College, the Women's College at Brown Univesity, born in Hancock Point Maine, 1871-1932 | Photocopy | 1929-1933 | BIO |
Ames, Adelbert | Army general during the Civil War and Spanish-American War, from Rockport Maine, 1835-1933 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1973-2011 | BIO |
Amish | Smyrna, Community Growing | Newspaper, Magazine | 2002 - | VF |
Amons, Susan | Maine artist | Newspaper | 2003 | BIO |
Amos, Diane | Maine author | Photocopy | 2003 | BIO |
Amsbury Family | One of Rockport Maine's first families | Magazine | 1981 | BIO |
Anderson, Dougal | Artist, lived in Eastport Maine, 1854-1921 | Photocopy | 1930 | BIO |
Anderson, F. Whitehouse | Soldier, teacher, policeman and mailman | - | BIO | |
Anderson, Hayden | Recieved one of the first honorary degrees from the University of Maine at Farmington | Photocopy | 1972 | BIO |
Anderson, Hugh | Maine's twelfth governor, 1801-1881 | Magazine | - | BIO |
Anderson, Leon | Artist, lived in Whitefeld Maine | Newspaper | - | BIO |
Anderson, Patricia | Wrote a book titled All of Us: Americans Talk About the Meaning of Death, features input from several Maine residents | Newspaper | 1996 | BIO |
Anderson, Richard E. | Director of the Maine Audbon Society 1971-1977 | Newspaper | 1971 | Bio |
Anderson, Robert | Radio DJ in Portland Maine, 1963-2003 | Newspaper | 2003 | Bio |
Anderson, Robert | Army major, commander of Fort Preble in Maine between 1848-1853 | 1973 | BIO | |
Anderson, Will | Maine writer, resident of Bath Maine, 1940- | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1993-2010 | BIO |
Andrew, John | Twenty-fifth governor of Massachusetts, from South Windham Maine, 1818-1867 | Newspaper | - | BIO |
Andrews, A. Carleton | Maine novelist and poet | Newspaper | 1935 | BIO |
Andrews, Harold Taylor | Soldier during WWI, from Portland Maine, 1893-1917 | - | BIO | |
Andrews, Nancy | Maine artist | Magazine | 2007 | BIO |
Andrews, Ryan | Maine writer | Newspaper | 2001 | BIO |
Andrews, Zephie | Maine woods guide | Newspaper | 1947 | BIO |
Androscoggin County Vol. 2 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1970 | BC |
Androscoggin County Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1938 - 1970 | BC |
Animals | Small and Large Game | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1948 | B8 |
Animals (see also Wildlife) | Mountain Lion, Donkeys, Humane Agents, Northern Woods, Nocturnal Animals, Bats, Wild Kingdom, Snapping Turtles, Animal Tracks, Gray Animal Farm, Llamas, Mount Desert, Sasquatch, Animal Shelter, Exotic Pets, Lynx, Pet Adoption | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1970 - | VF |
Animals Endangered | Endangered Species Act, Mountain Lions | Newspaper | 1997 - | VF |
Animals Extinct | Mammoth Tusk, Sea Mink, Maine State Museum, Great Auk | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - | VF |
Animals Treatment | Animal Abuse Law, Animal Welfare Reform, Maine Animal Coalition, Animal Activist, Shelters, Bill-LD 57, Euthanasia Law, Puppy Mill | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1973 - | VF |
Annance, Louis | Chief of St. Francis Indian tribe in Quebec, resided in Maine, 1794-1875 | Magazine | - | BIO |
Anne, Lois | Maine artist, from Rockland Maine | Photocopy | 2001 | BIO |
Ansel, Will | Maine artist | Brochure | 2001-2003 | Bio |
Anstead, Alicia | From Castine Maine, was awarded the Nieman Foundation's fellowship in arts and culture in 2007 | Newspaper | 2007 | Bio |
Anthony, Janice | Maine artist | Brochure | 2004-2009 | Bio |
Anton, Christo | Maine's first lottery director | Newspaper | 2001 | BIO |
Apollonio, Spencer | Former director, commissioner and consultant to the New England Fisheries Management Council and the Maine Department of Marine Resources | Newspaper | 1993 | BIO |
Appalachain Trail Part 2 | Mt. Katahdin, Hikers, Georgia, Saddleback, Extend Trail, | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1989 - | VF |
Appalachian Trail Part 1 | Suspension Bridge, Lean-to, Mt. Bigelow, Saddleback, Wilson Falls, The Silver Aisle, Hiking, Chronicles, Meeting Minutes | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1921 - | VF |
Apples 1 | Planting, Chick Orchards, Cider, Early Freeze, Migrant Workers, McIntosh Apples, Bulk Bins, Festivals, Apple Shipping, Insects, Pomolgical Society | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1953 - | VF |
Apples 2 | Letter, Apple Annie, Blossom Time, Varieties, Crops | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1949 - | VF |
Appleton, Jesse | Second president of Bowdoin College, 1772-1819 | Newspaper | 1972 | BIO |
Appleton, Samantha | Maine photographer | Newspaper | 2012 | BIO |
Appleton, Samuel | Boston merchant, gifted a bell to the Baptist Church in Appleton Maine in 1843, the town of Appleton was named after Nathaniel Appleton, a relative of Samuel Appleton | Newspaper | - | BIO |
Aquaculture | Salmon Farms, Hatcheries, Legislator, Development Conference, Biological Laboratory, Moratorium, Lobster, Sea Farming, Marine Organisms | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1968 - | VF |
Archaeology | Prehistoric Fish, Paleo-Indian, Digs, Casco Bay, Castine, Early American, Letter, Project Defence, Diving, Pemaquid, Wilson Museum, Fox Island, Mount Desert, Oxford County, Prehistoric Burial Places | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1946 - | VF |
Architecture | Schools, Outhouse, Library, Domes, David Kolb, Cottages, Homes, Doorways, Designs, Alternative, Letter, Samuel Melcher | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1952 - | VF |
Architecture - Historic American Buildings | Porteous Building, Wedding Cake House, Historic American Building Survey, Expedition Historical Society | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - | VF |
Armories | New Armory at Waterville | Newspaper | 1961 - | VF |
Arnold Trail | Arnold Trail Markers, Arnold Trail Highway, Hallowell, Skowhegan, Arnold Expedition Historical Society | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - | VF |
Arnold's Expedition to Quebec | Historical Society, Charles J. Nichols, Frank A. Getchell, Personal Narratives, Bibliographies, March to Disaster, Dedication Paper, Canadians Film, AEQ-75, Poem | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - | VF |
Arnold, Benedict | Maine notable, 1741 - 1801 Politcal figure | Photograph, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1974- | BIO |
Art 1 | Bowdoin Art Museum, Artist, Bates College, Art Exhibits, Colby College, Galleries | Newspaper, Magazine | 1962 - | VF |
Art 2 | Art Center, Artist, Art Exhibits, Brush Strokes, Sculptor, Portraits Owned, Painted Before 1850, Awards, Galleries | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1936 - | VF |
Art Museum 1 | The Commonwealth Assoc. Colony, Museum of Fine Arts, Farnsworth, Bowdoin college, Galleries, Portland Museum of Art, Colby College, Artist, Postcard, Maine Library Bulletin, Mall Show, Art School, Museum Director, Curator | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1928 - | VF |
Art Museum 2 | List of Museums, Restoring Architecture, Annual Reports, Colby College, Bates College, Portland Museum of Art, University of Maine, Bowdoin College, Ogunquit Museum | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1991 - | VF |
Art Museums | Art Festivals, Studios | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - 1964 | B9 |
Artist | Art Museums | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1963 | B10 |
Artist (work of) 2 | Artist, Grants & Funding | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1965 - | VF |
Artist (work of) 1 | Artist, Alice Frost Lord, Postcard, Maine Library Bulletin | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1927 - | VF |
Arts and Sciences Knox Academy & Arboretum | Academy, Museum | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1956 | B11 |
Audubon Society | Referendum, Environmental Advocates, Nuclear Waste, Environmental Center | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1978 - | VF |
Augusta | Cony Circle, Great Sidney Bog, 2007 Comprehensive Plan, Bridges, Developers, Fort Western, Jobs, Edgar Allen Beem, Libraries, Fire Department, Harrington, Preservation, Warehouse, Churches | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1946 - | VF |
Augusta - Buildings & Monuments | Theater, Civic Center, Historial Homes, Churches, Cemeteries, Post Office, Fire Station, Businesses, Mills, Hospital, Education Center | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - | VF |
Augusta - Education | Bus Dispute, Richard Healy, St Augustine, St Michael, Closure Hodgkins & Hussey, Positions Cut | Brochure, Newspaper | 1951 - | VF |
Augusta - History | Civil War, History Timeline, Water Street, Jane Howard, Centennial, Sesquicentennial, Bicentennial, Jonathan Ballard, Post Cards, Portland/Augusta Battle, Slavery, Edwards Dam & Mill, Island Park, Fredrick Douglas, 1800s, 1865 Fire, Mills, 1790s, | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1962 - | VF |
Augusta Civic Center | Annual Report 1989, Chamber of Commerce, Fall Review 1974, Open House 1980, 10th Anniversary | Brochure, Map, Newspaper | 1976 | VF |
Augusta House | Razing of, Legislative | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1939 - | VF |
Automobile Industry | Dealers, Mobile Campers, Clean Car Stickers, Canadian used Cars, Chrysler | Newspaper | 1972 - | VF |
Automobiles | The First, Solar & Electric, First Women, Top Sellers, Seat Belts, Auto Shows, Emission Testing, Collection of Cars, Toll Road, Hydroplaning, Legislative, Licenses, Blue Book, Auto Racing, Glenn Richmond, Vanity Plates, Car Pooling, Hybrid Car, Car Inspection | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1952 - | VF |
Avery, Myron | Maine Notable, 1899 - 1952 Naturalist, Appalachian Trail pioneer | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1948- | BIO |
Aviation | Air Taxi, Milliken Special, Flying Club, Harry M. Jones, Seymour Flew, Aerial Exploring, Caruso, Old Orchard Beach, Northeast Airlines, Air Fair, Portland Municipal Airport, Pemaquid Point, Aviation Dates, Trans-Canada, Planning Board Report 1934-1935 | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1935 - | VF |
Bangor Mental Health Institute | In-service Training, Close Hospital, Commissionor William Kearns, Jr., Funding, Patient Census, Wards, Gardening, Criminal-Pass Policy, Adult Education Program, Legislator | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1967 - | VF |
Bath Iron Works | People, Ships Built, Shipbuilders | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - 1942 | B12 |
Bath Iron Works 1 | Annual Report 1960 & 1962, Commercial Shipbuilding, Ships' Contract, Sen. Muskie, Stockholders, Expansion Program, Gov. Curtis, Artic Ice Breaker, Employment, Bids, Strike, Sen. Smith, Ship Launching, Women | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1965 - | VF |
Bath Iron Works 2 | Bids, William Haggett, Defence Cuts, Union, Launching, Sen. Cohen, Military Police, Strike, Layoff, Accident, Lawsuit, Contracts | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1991 - | VF |
Bath Marine Museum | Opening of, Wooden Boats, Sea Chanteys | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1974 - | VF |
Battlefields Revisited | 103rd Field Artillery, T. Howard Kelly | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1930 | B13 |
Battleship Maine | Crew Roster, Samual Carter,3rd, 260 Lives Lost, Silver Service, Proclamation, Havanna Harbor | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1947 - | VF |
Baxter State Park | Percival P. Baxter, Fire, Hunters, Ranger(s), Fishing, Buzz Caverly, Connie Baxter, Mount Katahdin, Native America, Camping, Hiking, Skiing, Mott Brothers, L.D.565, Cabins, Pollution, Ponds,Peaks, Appalachian Trail, Forest, Director | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1965 - | VF |
Beaches | Sand Beaches, Coastal Beaches, Department of Parks & Recreation, Hiking, Erosion, Lifeguards, Acadia National Park, Colonial Laws, Shoreline Treasures | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1928 - | VF |
Belgrade Lakes | Mailboat, Great Pond, Ernest Thompson, On Golden Pond, Loon Calling Contest | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Magazine | 1930- | VF |
Bingham Land, See also BIO William Bingham | Land Deal | Newspaper | 1930 - | VF |
Biographies A - L | Substantial articles on Maine residents | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 -1950 | B14 |
Biographies M - Z | Substantial articles on Maine residents | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1950 | B15 |
Bird - State | Chickadee, Mrs. Carl E Kelly, 83rd Legislature, State Song | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1926 - | VF |
Bird Lore - Maine | Bird Watching, R. Manley Grindle | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1941 - 1942 | B16 |
Bird Sanctuaries | Bird Refuge, Stanton Bird Club, Waterfowl Preserve, Birdbath | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1937 - | VF |
Birds 1 | Katahdin Region, Goose Nesting, Audubon Society, Species LIst, Housing & Feeders, Herbert K. Job, Howard L. Mendall, Acadia National Park | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1902 - | VF |
Birds 2 | Merrymeeting Bay, Naturalists, Ann Fuller, John H. Mitchell, State Bird, Bird Watching, Hunters, Bird Seed, UMO Study, Bird Baths, Feeders, Winter, Lake Acidification, Songbirds, Biologists | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1966 - | VF |
Birds - Wild | Bird Watching & Hunting | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1941 | B17 |
Blaine Bust | Library Bulletin, Letter | Brochure | 1930 - | VF |
Blaine House 1 | Holiday, Donations, Groundskeeper, History & Guide, Garden, Construction, Birthday of, Sea Captain's Home, Postcard | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1966 - | VF |
Blaine House 2 | National Landmark, Library Bulletin, Historical Project, Blaine House Teas, First Lady, Number of Rooms, Postcard, Library, Letter | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Blaine Memorial | Letter, Grave | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - | VF |
Blueberries 1 | Pesticides, Harvest, Parasite, Economy, Inez Grant, Factories, Booklist, Fact Sheet, Canning-Freezing, Netting, Fertilize | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1946 - | VF |
Blueberries 2 | Crops, New Market, Pesticide, Burning, Global Appeal, Fact Sheets, Motorized, Health | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1963 - | VF |
Boatbuilding | Hodgdon Yachts, Sailing Ships, Apprenticeshop, Wood, School, Employment, Shops, Captain Ed Ames, Fire, | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1976 - | VF |
Boats and Boating 1 | Pulling Boat, Chartering, Taxi Service, Lobsterboat Race, Outboard Hydraulic, Schooner, Boat Yards, Fiberglass, Women, Winjammers, Boycott | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1959 - | VF |
Boats and Boating 2 | Sailing, Lobsterboat, Races, Historians, Alcohol, Boat Yards, Letter, Accidents | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1953 - | VF |
Boundaries | Boader, Webster-Ashburton Treaty, North American DMZ, Engineers, Legislative Document 850, Border Patrol, Security, New Law | Photograph, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1943 - | VF |
Boundary Post or Monument | Downeast Road, St. Croix, Letter 1921 | Newspaper | 1921 - | VF |
Bowdoin - State Ship | Voyage, Maine Maritime Academy | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1990 - | VF |
Bradbury Mountain State Park | Ranger's History, Dr. & Mrs. Bowman, Hiking | Brochure, Newspaper | 1942 - | VF |
Bridge - 1949 Toll | Augusta | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1949 | B18 |
Bridges 1 | Augusta, Postcard, Suspension, Fool Bridge, Bangor-Brewer, Construction, Portland Draw, International Bridge, Hallowell Bridge, Maine New Hampshire, York River, Chebeague Island, Lottery Funds, Toll Bridge | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1890 - | VF |
Bridges 2 | Wire Bridge, Fire & Ice, Tolls, Cost, Load Limit, Bypass, Construction, Timber Technology | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1961 - | VF |
Bridges 3 | Inspections, Dedications, Postcard, Deer Isle, Bypass, Construction, Restoring, Million Dollar Bridge, Financing, Ceremonies, Gateway Bridge, Fencing | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1932 - | VF |
Bridges - Highway | Construction | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1940 | B19 |
Bridges, Covered 1 | Library Bulletin, Letters, List Of, Poetry, Kenduskeag | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1936 - | VF |
Bridges, Covered 2 | Bangor, Preservation, Legislators, Restoration, Fire | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1960 - | VF |
Business 1 | Train, Gift Shop, Pioneers, Scents, SCORE, Fuller Brush, Insurance, Avionics, Inn, Stocking, Gov. John McKernan, Strikers, Printers, Markets, Cards, Pawn Shops, Knitwear | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1960 - | VF |
Business 2 | Christmas, Video-rental, Credit Card, Stocks, Gov. John McKernan, Stores & Shops, Textile, Bakeries | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1996 - | VF |
Business 3 | Maine Times, Gov. John McKernan, Trade Exchange, Work Placement, Resession, Sunday Telegram Business Section, Drugstore, Gov. King | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1992 - | VF |
Business 4 | Business in Maine, Sunday Telegram Business | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1992 - | VF |
Calumet Club Augusta | Presidents, Letter, 40th Year, 50th Year, Open House, $1 Million, Le Festival, Hightest Honor | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1948 - | VF |
Camden Hills State Park | Hiking | Newspaper, Magazine | 1994 - | VF |
Camps & Camping (By Name) A - L | Silver Lake, Gardner Lake, Camp CaPella, Chewonki, Eastern Music Camp, Camp Fessenden, Pine Tree Camp, Belgrade Camp, Camp Bearnstow, Audubon Camp, Beaver Pond, Camp Solo, Camp Main STAY, Camp Susan Curtis, Wassanki Springs, Bear Pond, Camp Kieve, Elliott P Joslin, Katahdin, Camp Jorden, Eagle Hill, Echo Lake, A.M.C. Camp, King & Bartlett, Camp Caribou, camp Kippewa, Children's Camp List, Maine Fiddle, Agassiz Village, Hermitage Camps, Ka-Ve | Brochure, Map, Newspaper | 1930 - | VF |
Camps & Camping (By Name) M - Z | Sunset Pass, Maine Golf & Tennis Academy, Camp Tanglewood, Camp Wyonegonic, Camp Tall Pines, Camp Wayaka, YMCA Camp, Camp Menatoma, Isabe Currier, Packard's Camp, Snow Campings, Camp Manitou, Seed of Peace, New England Music Camp, Cobb's Camp, Pine Island, Camp Runoia, Rangeley Camps, Camp Mecuwana, MainSTAY, Maine-Matagamon, Wilderness Base, Camp Neofa, Camp Mitigwa, SJCT Camp, Camp Meeting, Family Y's Blazing Trail, Wild Goose, Wassookeag | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1944 - | VF |
Canada & Maine | Tourism Corridor, Business, olf Orchard Beach, Grand Pre, Peace Step, Gov. Kenneth M. Curtis, Money, Seal Island, Strike, Shopping, Gov. Angus King, Maritimes, Border, Citizenship Technology, Economy Towns, Partership, Bridge, Boarder Station, Gov. Baldacci | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - | VF |
Canals | Sprague's Journal, Cumberland & Oxford, Kennebec 1825-1832, Telos, Knox, Ice-breaking, Lewiston, Norridgewock-Bond Brook, Georges River, Songo Lock, Portland & Long Lake | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - | VF |
Canoes & Canoeing | Letter, Old Town Canoe, Canoemakers, Trips, Allagash, Washington County, Collections, Races, Indian Birch Bark, Bog Trotting, Waterfowl, Hunters, Buying, Tidewater, Pete Macridis & Tim Black | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1895 - | VF |
Capital Punishment | Death Sentence, Clifton Harris, 19th Cenury, Homicides 1860-1954, Fifteenth Legislature 1835, State Prison | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1835 - | VF |
Capitol 1 | History, Design, Renovations & Map, Deed, Women, Song Book, Legislature | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1827 - | VF |
Capitol 2 | Charles Bulfinch, Tourist, Jim Henderson, 100th Anniversary, Guide Girls, Renovation, Security, State Museum, Historic Site | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1852 - | VF |
Capitol - Parks & Grounds | Deed Abstract, Frederick Law Olmsted, Draft of Plan, Trees, Parking Project, Capital Park, Arbor Day, Higgins-Grove Memorial, Burial Ground, Emiliano | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - | VF |
Capitol - Plans | History, Furniture, Architect's Plans, Charles Bulfinch | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - | box |
Capitol - Portraits, Paintings, Ect. | Restoring, Collection List, Correspondence of Ownership, Catalog of Portraits | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - | VF |
Capitol - State House Office Building & Other Buildings | Report of Commission 1911, Referendum Question 102nd Legislature, Proclamation, Funds, Press Kit, Buildings, Fossils | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - | VF |
Capitol - Statue on the Dome | W. Clark Noble | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - | VF |
Caribou (Animal) | Description, Candian Imports, Maine Caribou Project, Law, Katahdin | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1963 - | VF |
Carlton Bridge | Cost, Bridge Shows Age, History | Newspaper, Magazine | 1927 - | VF |
Carson, Rachel | [Maine Writer](http://www.maine.gov/tools/whatsnew/index.php?topic=LibMeWriters&id=94710&v=Article2) | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1962- | BIO |
CCC Camps | Civilian Conservation Corp | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1934 - 1941 | B20 |
Central Maine Power Company 1 | Steam Station, Century of Service 1899-1999, Dirty Power Souces, Ratepayers, $18 Million Undertaking, Projects, Power Purchases, Richard Silkman, Utility Regulators, Private-power Pacts, Collect Fees, Inflation, Sears Island, Culf Island, Educational Aid, Wyman Station, Computer Center, Outage | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1962 - | VF |
Central Maine Power Company 2 | Electicity Rates, Grid Upgrade, Stockholders, Qualtiy Service, CMP Sale, David Flanagan, Carbon Diozide, Emmissions, 100 years, Money, Cut and Spray Policy, Tax, Flagstaff Land, Linework, Copper, Storms | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1976 - | VF |
Children's Home | Grants, Mission Work, Letter, Opportunity Farm, Townlist | Newspaper | 1999 - | VF |
Children's Summer Recreation | Playgrounds, Camping, Campgrounds, | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 - 1956 | B21 |
Churches 1 | Old South Church, Church Shopping, Chestnut Street Baptist, Blue Hill Congregational & First Baptist, Pownalborough-Episcopal, Buckfield, Bangor First Christian, Marshfield Congregational, Booklist, Churches, Dr. Kenyon L. Butterfield, Boothbay Harbor, Cathedral, Lewiston, Lisbon Falls, Otisfield, East Wintrop, Freeport, Moose River, Meetinghouses, St, Patricks, Old German Church, Postcard, Livermore Falls, Bruswick, Yarmouth | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1894 - | VF |
Churches 2 | St. Peter & Paul, Fires, Portland, Volunteers, Seafaring Minister, Faith, Women Bishop, Latin, Thomaston,Mechanic Falls, Preservation, Lee, Meeting House, Inquiry, Christmas Fairs, First Radio Parish | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1927 - | VF |
Churches A - E | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1968 | B22 |
Churches F - M | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - 1968 | B23 |
Churches N - Z | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1968 | B24 |
Cities | Downtown Dying, Roy A. Whitcomb, Jr., Nicknames, Clean Award, Pegional Marking | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1968 - | VF |
Cities & Towns | Maps, Plantations, Districts | Map | B25 | |
Climate | Earth Warming, Temperatures, Changing, Drought Patterns, Greenhouse Effect, Impact, CO2 Effect, Paul Mayewski, Mosquito | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1933 - | VF |
Clothing Industry | Clean Clothes Campaign, Distinctly Different, Hathaway | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 2000 - | VF |
Clubs | Seamen's Club, Federation of Music Clubs, China Club, Women's Club, White Mountain Club, Portland Club, Alpine Club, Federation of Business & Professional, Three-Quarter Century Club, Libon Lobster Club, Rockland Golf Club, Weary Club, Letter, Kiwanis, Wickyup Club, Natural History Club, Saltiest Club, Lion's, Outdoor Adventure, YWCA, Liars Club, Community Mothers Club, 1918 Club, Augusta Area List of Clubs 1970, Cunner Club, Shorthand Pen Pal, Cecillis Club, Social Clubs, Riverside Neighborhood | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1933 - | VF |
Coast Guide | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1947 | B26 |
Coast of Maine 1 | Costal Management, Sprague's Journal, Industry, East Coast, Hearings, Save the Coast, Surf, State Planning Director, Glaciers, Northeat Wetlands, Rock Walking, Coastal Courier, Samual Eliot Morison, Development Moratorium Plan, Radar Station, booklist, Gov. Curtis, Flotilla 103, Cutler Hydrographic Survey | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1958 - | VF |
Coast of Maine 2 | Landsides, Grants, Development, Dunes, Housing Crunch, Colonization, Bays, Working Coast, Industry, Preservation, Book, Planning Program, Coastline, Donald MacMillan, National Geographic, Atlantic Coast | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1985 - | VF |
Coin, State | Pemaquid, Ruined Image, Coin Design | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1998 - | VF |
Colcord, Lincoln | Maine Writer 1883-1947 Composer Stein song | Photograph, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1922- | BIO |
Colcord, Roswell K | Political figure 1839-1939 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1939- | BIO |
Cole, Charles O | Artist 1817-1858 | Newspaper | 1927- | BIO |
Cole, John | Maine Writer 1923 - 2003 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1973- | BIO |
Cole, Warren | Child abuse | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1992- | BIO |
Coleman, Loren | Maine Writer 1947- | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1985- | BIO |
College Libraries | Fogler Library, Bates College, Bowdoin College, Colby College, MVTI, Westbrook College, Robert B. Stone, Mainesasa Collection, Kellogg Collection, Special Collections, Ricker Library | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1965 - | VF |
Colleges | Including Junior Colleges | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1924 - 1947 | B27 |
Colleges (By Name) | Individual Files of Maine Colleges | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1930 - | VF |
Colleges (General) | Colby, Bates, Bowdoin, Maine Maritime, University of Maine, Portland School of Law, Mid-State, KVCC, Abenaki, College Bound '98, Outreach Program, Private Colleges, Donald R. McNeil, Student Aid, Tuition, Pamela MacBraye, Budget, Two Year Colleges, Chatholic Colleges, Commuter College, Teacher's College, On-line College, HEP Report, Legislation | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1961 - | VF |
Colleges Medical | College of Physicians, Regional Medical Program, Maine Medic School | Newspaper | 1970 - | VF |
Colleges Normal Schools | Washington State, Legislature, Maine Teacher | Newspaper | 1930 - | VF |
Collins, Susan | Political figure Maine Notable 1952- | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1994- | BIO |
Colson, Everett A | Political Figure Ethiopia 1887-1937 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1935- | BIO |
Colwell, Miriam | Maine Writer 1917- | Newspaper, Magazine | 1945- | BIO |
Comfort Magazine | William H. Gannett, Letter | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1894 - | VF |
Conkling, Mabel | Artist Sculpture 1871-1966 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931- | BIO |
Connaway, Jay | Artist 1893-1970 | Photocopy, Magazine | 1965- | BIO |
Conservation 1 | River Association, Youth Corps, Northeast Harbor Developers, Lobbyist, Nature Conservancy, Coast Guard Base, John C. Malley, KV Conservation, River Plan, Farm Ponds, Education Programs, DDT Insecticide, White Pine Weevil, Wildlife Restoration, Horace A. Hildreth, Jr., Southern Maine Project | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1939 - | VF |
Conservation 2 | Nature Conservancy, Birds Disappearing, Damariscotta River Association, Ecology Bill of Rights, Sulo Tani, Diseased Fish, Pine Tree Conservation School, Salt Marshes, Laws, West Branch Project, Land Protection, Leavitt Plantation, Kennebec Highland, Tumbledown Mountain, Plum Creek, | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1961 - | VF |
Constitution | Letter, Amendments, Dates of Conventions | Brochure, Newspaper | 1969 - | VF |
Cony High School | New Cony, Virtual Classes, Accreditation, Cony High Extra, Land Sale, Razing Cony, Hannaford, Lawsiut, Flatiron | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1961 - | VF |
Corporations | Irving, Lobbying, Portland Harbor, Industrial Kingpins, Hannaford, EnvisioNet | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1968 - | VF |
Cost of Living | Cost More or Less, Livable Wage | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1993 - | VF |
Cotton Mills | Yarmouth, 1938 Cotton Mills | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 - | VF |
Counties | History, Abolish, Uniform Standards, Origin | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920 - | VF |
Courts | Maine District, Reorganization, Earlier Eras, Cameras, Supreme Court, Court Equipment, Federal Budget, Gov. Curtis, County Attorney, Legislature, Miranda Rights, Women, Russians Observe, Jury Duty, Ankle Bracelet, Online, Court Reporters | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1927 - | VF |
Coyotes | Suburbs, Killing, Legislature, Coy-dog, Foxes, Controlling, Hunting, Game Warden, Acadia, Coyote Thesis, Eastern Coyote | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1950 - | VF |
Crabs | Horseshoe Crab, European Green Crab | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1976 - | VF |
Cranberries | Market, Cherryfield Foods, Organic, Harvest, Washington County, Wetlands | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1968 - | VF |
Crime & Criminals 1 | Sex Offenders, Lowest Rate, Identity Theft, Hate Crimes, Violence, Hunger Strike, Robbery, Murder, Overcrowding, Unjustly Jailed, Conspiracy, Law Student, DNA Database, Drug Dealers, Missing, Hospice House, Abandonment, Forensic Artist, Bar Association, Escapees, Stalking Law, School Bomb Threats, Legislature, Online Registry | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1906 - | VF |
Crime & Criminals 2 | Home Invasions, Drug Trafficking, Hate Crimes | Newspaper, Photocopy | 2008 - | VF |
Cumberland County Vol. 2 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1935 - 1971 | BC |
Cumberland County Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - 1968 | BC |
Dams 1 | Activists, Fish Passages, Dam Removal, Building Dams, Tragedies, Hydro Development,Ancient Dam, Great Northern, Future of, Dam Hearings, Power, Relicensing, Kennebec Development, Salmon, Fishing, Legal Issues, Preservation, | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1927 - | VF |
Dams 2 | Removal, Abenakis, Fishery, Activists, River Revival, Great Northern, License, Power, River Restoration Project, | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1996 - | VF |
Deer | Hunting, Deer Meat, Deer Farming, Hunters, Snow, Deer Population, Deer Herd, Season Cut, Poachers, Culling, Wasting Disease, | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1941 - | VF |
Democratic Party | Gov. Joseph Brennan, Candidates, New Leadership 1994, State Primary, Dickey-Lincoln, Vote for Pease, Platform & Rules 1984, Unite, Security, Legislative Seats, Newsletters | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Desert | Desert of Maine | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1925 - 1937 | B28 |
Desert of Maine | Sand Farm, History | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1934 - | VF |
Dickey-Lincoln School Dam Project | Funds, Senator Muskie, Benefits, Audubon Society, Economic Impact, Environmental Quality Act, Rep. Willaim D. Hathaway, Power Authority Act, Fact Sheet, | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1971 - | VF |
Disaster | Gardiner, Augusta, The "Don", Federal Emergency Management Agency, Maine Mall, Medical Disasters, Homeland Security, Flu Pandemic, | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1975 - | VF |
Domestic Violence | Victims, Workplace, T-shirt, Court Order, New Law, | Newspaper, Photocopy | 2002 - | VF |
Doughnuts | Recycling, Dunkers' Convention, Doughnut Hole Cutter | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1941 - | VF |
Down East | Definitions & Examples Excerpts from | Photocopy | 1957 - | VF |
Eagles | Survey, Newsletters, Survival, Audubon Society, Shooting, Nesting, Dioxin Contamination, Reproduce, Feeding, Eagle Recovery | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1968 - | VF |
Economic Conditions | Economy, Indicators, Job Growth, Outlook, Maine Center for Women, Work and Community Annual Report, | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1977- | VF |
Economic Development | Directory of Maine Economists, Department of Economic and Community Development, Job Bond, Department of Development of Industry & Commerce | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1956- | VF |
Economic Development 2 | Institute for a Strong Maine Economy, Local Growth Limit, Pine Tree Zone | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1975- | VF |
Economic History | The Great Depression, Mainely Facts, Office of Economic Opportunity, Maine Development Association | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1918- | VF |
Education 1 | Tuition, Budget Cuts, Renewal, New Law, Study Groups, Freesom-Waterhouse Campus, Commissioner, Dang Xuan Khai, Creative Play, Illiteracy, Reorganization, Reform, Open Classroom, Mainstreaming, Minority, Textbook, Truancy, Nutrition Education, Superintendents | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1969 - | VF |
Education 2 | Upgrading of Schools, High School, Drop-outs, John L. Easton, Jr., Sex Ed, Gov. Horace Hildreth, Warren G. Hill, PTA, Diplomas, Curriculum, School Year, Accountability, Maine Vets, Parochial, Maine Insight, Cadet Teacher | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1943 - | VF |
Education 3 | Tracking, MEA, SAT, Classrooms Overflowing, Home Schooling, Gender Gap, Funds, Cutbacks, Learning Results, Vouchers, All-Day K, No Child Left, Learning-Disabled, Akiko Saito, Gardiner-Hyde | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1992 - | VF |
Education 4 | Molding Children, Linking Schools/Workplace, Top Students, Gender, MEA, SAT, Guidelines, School Reform, Learning Results, Year-round School, Fund-raisers, Insight, Restructuring, Consolidation, Virtual Classes, Subsidy Checks | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1991 - | VF |
Education - Consolidation | Local Control, District Plan, Educators Challenge, heavy, Legislators, Hearings, Cost, Assets, Laptop Plan, Susan Gendron, Sinclair Act, Transportation Bill, | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1956 - | VF |
Education - History | Education Directory 1964-65, Nine O'Clock Scholar, Maine Lyceum, Brunswick First Maine Nursery School, Province of Maine Teaching, Educational Facts 1934, Lewiston Domestic Science 1910, The Schoolmaster of Bagaduce, Century of Teacher Education in New England, State School Bulletin 1938, Chautauqua, Century Old Maine Schoolbooks, 150 Years of Education in Maine | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1914- | VF |
Education - School Adinistrative District | Sinclair Law, Reorganization 57-63, Consolidation, Guide for Municipalities 1963, Assessment Project | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1956 - | VF |
Education- Finance | School Funding, MELMAC, School Budgets, College Financial Aid, State Aid, Governor's Advisory Committee on Education, Maine School Statistics 1964 & 1965 | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1964- | VF |
Educators | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1941 | B29 |
Election - Candidates 2000- | Jane Amero, Tom Allen,Jonathan Carter, Bond Issues 2002, John Baldacci, Michael Michaud, Kevin Raye, Susan Collins, Chellie Pingree, Ralph Nader, Brian Hamel, Charlie Summers, John Kerry, George W. Bush, Patricia Lamarche, Chris Miller, Jean Hay Bright, Chandler Woodcock, David Emery, Philip Morris NaPier, Barbara Merrill, Darlene Curley, Dexter Kamilewicz, L. Scott D'Amboise, Olympia Snowe, Bill Slavick, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, John McCain, Michael Brennan, Dean Scontras, John Frary, Steve Meister, Ethan Strimling, Adam Cote, Mark Lawrence, Tom Ledue | Newspaper, Photocopy | 2000- | VF |
Emblems | Floral, Bird, Tartan, State Dog | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Employment | Unemployed Workers Fund, Temporary Employment, Moonlighting, CETA, Summer Job Market, Record Maine Civilian Work Force 1967, Emergency Employment Act, Maine State Federation of Labor, Teenager/Child Labor Laws, PINECAP, Manpower Training, Management Training, Consultation, Manufacturing Wages, Home Labor, Telecommuting | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1968- | VF |
Employment 2 | The Teacher Explosion, Women, Work and Maine, Maine Employment Patterns 1950-91, Native Sons & Daughters Program, Maine Economic Growth Council, Portsmouth Shipyard, Internship, Worker's Comp | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1958- | VF |
Employment 3 | Call Center Industry, Life After Layoff, Social Skills, State of Disparity, Employment Trends in Maine 1992, Central Maine Power CMP layoff 1994, Unemployment Compensation Record High 1958, Reference Checks, National Workplace Study Ranking 2005, Central Maine Works, State Jobless Rate | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1958- | VF |
Endangered & Threatened Species | Blanding's Turtle, Lady's Slippers, Black Gum Tree, Northern Right Whale, Wood Turtle, Golden Eagle, List of Endangered Species 1993-94 & 1997-98, Harlequin Duck, Furbish Lousewort, Bald Eagle, Piping Plover, Wildlife Protection, Lynx Debate, Sandbar Willow, | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1979- | VF |
Energy | Gasification Plant, Exporter, Plants, Carbon Tax, Wood, Environmental Impact, Policy, Alternative, LNG Port, Blackouts, Businesses, Technology, Athens Mill, Underground Energy, Lobstermen, Winter Aid | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1973 - | VF |
Energy Conservation | Insulation Costs, Oil, John Rowe, Pratt & Whitney, Green, Directory 1981, Environmentally Friendly, Incentives, Conference | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1978 - | VF |
Environment | Testing Lab, Toxic Metals, Plants & Animals, Wetlands, Fisheries, Earth Day, Ecological Station, North Woods, Regulations, Greenwash, Daily Waste, Globel Warming, Septic Systems, Supreme Court, Edmund S. Muskie | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1970 - | VF |
Exports | Foreign Markets for Maine products, Global Challenge, John McKernan, Bath Iron Works, Maine Poultry Federation, GATT, NAFTA, Coalition of Service Industries, Angus King, Governor's Advisory Council on International Trade, John Baldacci | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1972- | VF |
Fairs | Agricultural Fairs | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - 1956 | B30 |
Farming, Fur Trade, Trapping | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1947 | B45 |
Farms | Salt Water Marsh Hay Stables, Broadacres, Grange Herald, FHA, Cedar Grove Farming, Back-to-the-Land, One-Man Farm, Sod Farm, Aroostook Harvest, Old Family Farms in Maine, Maine Farm Project, Hydroponics, Saltwater Farm, Chickens, Turkeys, Cattle, Farmland, Sharecropping, Farm Problems, Kelmscott Farms, Open Farm Day, Belted Galloways, Tomatoes, Alpacas, Farm Day Camp, Maine Farmer, Maine Farmland Trust Farmlink | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1936- | VF |
Farms & Farming | White Animal Farm, Farm Apprentice Program, Family Farming, Backyard Farming, Early Methods of Farming, Haymaking, Farm Operations, Salt Marsh Haying, Winthrop Goat Farm | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1939- | VF |
Farms 2 | Urban Farmer, Winter Bounty, Rare Livestock, Maine Farmland Trust, Entertainment Farming, Western Maine Farm Fund, Northern Aroostook Homesteaders, Maine Fiber Frolic, Organic Farming, Historic Farms, Hog Farm Regulation, Tourism, Libra Foundation, Tide Mill Organic Farm, Rutabagas, Backyard Beauty, Maine Harvest Day, Community Supported Agriculture, Fuel Costs and Farming, Farmer's Markets, Highmoor Farm | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1993- | VF |
Farms- Dairy | Milk War, Holstein Production Record 1968, Milk Dumping, Dairy Industry, One of Nation's Top Dairy Areas 1961, Decline of Dairy Farming, Family Dairy Farms, Oakhurst Dairy, Maine Relief Milker System, Disappearance of Dairy Farms, Northeast Dairy Compact, Milk Tax, Monsanto Lawsuit, Veterinarian Shortage, Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact, Milk Prices, Maine Micro-Dairy Cooperative, Maine Cheese Guild, Roaming Cows, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1953- | VF |
Ferries | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1960 | B31 |
Firemen & Firemen's Musters | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - 1948 | B32 |
Fish Hatcheries | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1943 | B33 |
Fish House - Uncle Dave's | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1966 - 1967 | B41 |
Fisheries - Ground Fish, Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1947 | B34 |
Fisheries - Ground Fish, Vol. 2 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1943 | B35 |
Fisheries - Ground Fish, Vol. 3 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1948 | B36 |
Fisheries - Industrial Products | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1950 | B37 |
Fisheries - Sardines | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1934 - 1950 | B38 |
Fisheries - Shellfish, Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1950 | B39 |
Fisheries Shellfish, Vol. 2 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1948 | B40 |
Flag - State | Bulletin, David Martucci | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - | VF |
Floods - Eastern Maine, Vol. 1 | Eastern Maine | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1940 | B42 |
Floods - Western Maine, Vol. 2 | Western Maine | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1936 | B43 |
Food Processing Industries | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1966 | B44 |
Franklin County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1969 | BC |
Granite Industry | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1950 | B46 |
Hancock County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1970 | BC |
Handcrafts, Vol. 1 | Quilts, Rugs, Silversmiths, Dolls, Toys, Instruments, Weaving, Woodcarving | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1964 | B47 |
Handcrafts, Vol. 2 | Pottery, Ceramics, Wood, Ironwork, Models, General Items | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1971 | B48 |
Handweaving | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1950 | B49 |
Hartley, Marsden | Maine Notable 1877 ? 1943 Artist | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1944- | BIO |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Maine Notable, Maine Writer 1804 ? 1864 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1932- | BIO |
Historic Maine Houses Vol. 1 | Intro, Listed by Towns A - B | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1970 | B50 |
Historic Maine Houses Vol. 2 | C - H | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1970 | B51 |
Historic Maine Houses Vol. 3 | K - Po | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1968 | B52 |
Historic Maine Houses Vol. 4 | Po - Su | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1945 - 1970 | B53 |
Historic Maine Houses Vol. 5 | Sw - Y & misc articles | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1964 | B54 |
Hoffman, Leslie | Artist | Newspaper, Magazine | 1990 | BIO |
Holman, Abigail | Legislator 1962-2007 | Newspaper | 1993- | BIO |
Holmes, John | Senator 1773-1843 | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1947- | BIO |
Holmquist, Brita | Artist | Brochure, Newspaper | 1990- | BIO |
Homer, Winslow | Artist, Maine Notable, 1836 - 1910 | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1931- | BIO |
Homes - Maine | Estates | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - 1950 | B55 |
Hooper, John | Poet 1905- | Newspaper | 1931- | BIO |
Hoose, Phillip | Maine Writer 1947- | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1999- | BIO |
Hopkins, Eric | Artist 1951- | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1994- | BIO |
Hospitals | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1956 - 1962 | B56 |
Inventors | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1981 | B60 |
Islands | A - G | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - 1965 | B61 |
Islands | H - M | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1965 | B62 |
Islands | O - Z | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1967 | B63 |
Katahdin 1 | Finding Help, Trails, Emmie B. Whitney, 88th Legislature, Walter Prichard Eaton, Sprague's Journal, Missing Searches, Governor Baxter, Climbing, Public Park, Postcard | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1918 - | VF |
Katahdin 2 | Artist, Sporting Camps, Hiking, Trails | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1997 - | VF |
Katahdin - Ascents | Rescue Effort, Climbing | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1923 - | VF |
Katahdin - Iron Works | Restoring, Allied Chemical Corp., Sara Green, Letters | Newspaper, Magazine | 1844 - | VF |
Katahdin - State Park | Gov. Baxter, Congressional Record, Baxter State Park | Newspaper, Magazine | 1918 - | VF |
Katahdin Bibliography | Myron Avery | Brochure, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920-1940 | VF |
Kennebec County | Trew Plan | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1761 - 1975 | BC |
Knox County | Poetry, Maine Library Bulletin | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1896 - 1972 | BC |
Lakes | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1944 | B64 |
Lime Industry | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1851 - 1950 | B66 |
Lincoln County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - 1975 | BC |
Lobsters 1 | Bill Foster, Production & Imports, Festivals, Tagging, J.L. Rogers, Vanishing, Lobstermen, Boundaries, Dredging, Traps, Lobster Bill, Prices | Brochure, Newspaper | 1913 - | VF |
Lobsters 2 | Business, Exhibits, Lobstermen, Saltwater Farm, Festival, Mating, Tagging, Scientists, Blue Lobster, Industry, Dead River Co., Prices, Bait, Piracy, Lew Dietz | Newspaper, Magazine | 1936 - | VF |
Lobsters 3 | Clambake, Recipes, Lobster Harvest, Stalking, Overfished, Traps, Dredge, Feud, Festival, Industry, Prices, Frozen Lobster, Lobstermen vs Fishermen | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1954 - | VF |
Lovell, John Harvey | Naturalist and Author, Waldoboro 1860-1939 | Newspaper | 1928- | BIO |
Lowell, Edith | Author, Portland 1862-1902 | Newspaper | 1931 | BIO |
Lowell, Mary C | Doctor, lawyer and historian Dover Foxcroft, 1853-1949 | Newspaper | 1941- | BIO |
Lumbering | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - 1950 | B67 |
Maine - General 1 | Delegation, Pictures, Jane & Michael Stern, Elinor Stevens Walker, Snowshoe Troop, Peanuts Trade, Acadia, Clean America, Sen. Muskie, The Sacred Yankee, Economics, Films, Nicholas Dean, New England Mag., Lumber Camps | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1895 - | VF |
Maine - General 2 | History, Films, William S. Ellis, Name Usage, Letter, Pathfinders, Pictures | Photograph, Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1942 - | VF |
Maine - General 3 | Outpost, Best of, Islands, Warren, Kessler, History, Living Here, 25 Things, Pollution | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1937 - | VF |
Maine Manners & Customs (old) | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1945 | B68 |
Manufacturing Industry Vol. 1 | B - G - Barrels - Glass | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1963 | B69 |
Manufacturing Industry Vol. 2 | H - Z Hosiery - Vinegar | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1926 - 1966 | B70 |
Maritime Academy | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1941 - 1958 | B71 |
Maritime History | Book List, Ships, Loren E. Haskell, Kennebec, Preservation, Richmond Island, Wars, Winterport, Raider, Families, North-West Passage, West Point, Bath, Museum | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1932 - | VF |
Maritime History - Bath | Dirigo, Iron Works, List of Ships, Letter, Accidents, Annual Reports, Richard B. Noble, John Paul Heffernan, William R. Donnell, Loren E. Haskell | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1918 - | VF |
Maritime History - Belfast | History of Navigation | Newspaper | 1929 - | VF |
Maritime History - Bibliography | Maine Library Bulletin | 1931 - | VF | |
Maritime History - Blue Hill | Ship - Building 1798-1891 | 1935 - | VF | |
Maritime History - Boothbay | James P. Stevens, Jr., East Boothbay | Newspaper, Magazine | 1967 - | VF |
Maritime History - Casco Bay | Clipper Ships | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - | VF |
Maritime History - Clippers | Ship Building 1833-1858 | Newspaper | 1937 - | VF |
Maritime History - Lightships | Sophia, "74" | Newspaper | 1936 - | VF |
Maritime History - Lincoln | Vessels | 1937 - | VF | |
Maritime History - Logs & Letters | Mrs. Annie Hill, Chinese Ports | Newspaper | 1928 - | VF |
Maritime History - Narratives | Rockland Boy, Eastport Girl, Capt. Omar J. Humphrey, E.M. Blanding, Christmas Wreak | Newspaper | 1930 - | VF |
Maritime History - Naval History | Nuclear Sub, Flying Dutchman | Newspaper | 1955 - | VF |
Maritime History - Penobscot Bay | Castine, Letter | Newspaper | 1967 - | VF |
Maritime History - Phippsburg | Ada Miott Haggett | Magazine | 1966 - | VF |
Maritime History - Privateers | Dash | Magazine | - | VF |
Maritime History - Rockland | Ship's List, Letter, Robert C. Snow, Richard B. Noble | Newspaper, Magazine | 1936 - | VF |
Maritime History - Searsport | Shipyards, Children Born, Ships & Captains 1834-1906 | Map, Newspaper | 1906 - | VF |
Maritime History - Ship Models | Fisher Craft, Hobbyist | Newspaper, Magazine | 1933 - | VF |
Maritime History - Shipbuilders | Georgia, J.J. Wardwell | Newspaper, Magazine | 1904 - | VF |
Maritime History - Ships | Merchant Marine Project, Palmer Fleet, Data, Red Jacket | Newspaper | 1933 - | VF |
Maritime History - Ships | List of Ships, Letter | Photograph | 1904 - | VF |
Maritime History - Shipwrecks | Annie C. Maguire, Ballad, Letter, Meryie B. Crowley, Hanover | Newspaper, Magazine | 1935 - | VF |
Maritime History - Steamboats | Rapidan, City of Bangor, Cambridge | Newspaper | 1939 - | VF |
Maritime History - Thomaston | Sea Captains, Ships Built 1848-1869, Ships 1787-1865, Norman W. Drinkwater, Jr. | Newspaper, Magazine | 1936 - | VF |
Maritime History - Washington County & Environs | Ship's Built | 1939 - | VF | |
Maritime History - WWI Period | Shipbuilding & Where | - | VF | |
Maritime History - York | Ships Built, Shipmasters | Newspaper | 1937 - | VF |
McCloskey, Robert | Maine Notable, Maine Writer 1914 ? 2003 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1965- | BIO |
Mental Hospitals | Augusta, Bangor, Togus | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1935 - 1961 | B72 |
Military History - Aroostook War 1812 | Fred Humiston, Book List, Cannon | Newspaper, Magazine | 1965 - | VF |
Military History - Civil War 1861-1865 1 | Book List, Re-enactment, War Memorials, Tacony Affair, Diary, Civil War Widows, Muster Rolls, Joh J. Pullen, Cannons, Stone Fleet, 5th Regiment, Gen. Saggett, 27th Regiment, Commanders, Flags | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1938 - | VF |
Military History - Civil War 1861-1865 2 | Widows, Postcard, Civil War Ladies, Bowdion Alumnus, 27th Regiment, Roster of Honor, Chamberlain, Portland Harbor, Richard Hebert, Book List | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1863 - | VF |
Military History - French & Indian War | Lovewell's Fight | Magazine | 1975 - | VF |
Military History - General Info | Korean War Vets, Maine at War, Limestone, 103rd Co. E., Union Hall, War Casualties. Desert Storm, King Philip's, Camp Keyes, Soldiers-Dead | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1863 - | VF |
Military History - Iraq 1 | Company C, Soldier-Died, 133rd Co., Suicide Bomb, Home Life, Refugee Village, 152nd Co., Convoy, Iraq Vets, 94th Military Police, Oppose War, Medals, Snowe | Newspaper, Photocopy | 2003 - | VF |
Military History - Iraq 2 | Collins, Military Constactor, Solders-Died, Returning Soldiers, 619th Co. | Newspaper, Photocopy | 2008 - | VF |
Military History - Kuwait | Veterans, Welcome Home, Food, Mainer Killed, Families | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1991 - | VF |
Military History - Mexican War 1846-1848 | 3rd Cavalry, Franklin Pierce | Newspaper | 1920 - | VF |
Military History - Revolutionary War | Penobscot Bay, Operation Fiasco, Re-enactments, Machias, Anne Molloy, Torrey A. Sylvester, Saratogo, Richard Bell, War Veterans, Ships, York Soldiers, Castine, B. Arnold, Burning of Falmouth | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Military History - Spanish American War | Splended Little War, Remember the Maine | Photocopy, Magazine | 1979 - | VF |
Military History - Vietnam War | Peace Marchers, Rally, Saigon, Sanctuary for Scientist, Draft, Vets, Prisoners' | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1967 - | VF |
Military History - War of 1812 | Saturday Cove, Norwood Cove, Squire Prince's Fort, Graves, Cannon, Princetown Prison | Newspaper, Magazine | 1961 - | VF |
Military History - WWI 1917-1918 | Pearl Harbor, Tires, Rationing, Aviator, Elizabeth Armstrong Low, Veterans, Federal Fuel, 103rd Infantry Unit, French Cemeteries, Employed in Manufacturing | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - | VF |
Military History - WWII 1940-1945 | V-E Day, War Agencies, Nazi Spy, Normandy, 89th Legislature, WACS, German Submarine, Medal of Honor, Soldiers that Died, 103rd Infantry, Kennebunk Roaster, Atomic Bomb, Barges, POW, Military Bases | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1942 - | VF |
Military Installations & Bases 1 | Radar Base, Winter Harbor, Loring, Cutler, Dow Air Force Base, Presque Isle Air Force Base | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1958 - | VF |
Military Installations & Bases 2 | Loring, Cutler Station, Chilcothians (WAC's), Topsham Base, Dow Air Base, Snark Missile, Pease Air Force Base | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1946 - | VF |
Minerals & Mines | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1918 - 1966 | B73 |
Mountains | Including a list of mountains, Explorers | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1968 | B74 |
Museums | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - 1962 | B75 |
Music in Maine Libraries | Maine Composers | - | B76 | |
Music Schools | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1952 | B77 |
Names - Geographical | Liberty Trail, Townships, Names & Former Names | Brochure, Photocopy, Magazine | 1911 - | VF |
Names - Geographical - Name of Maine | Who Named Maine, The Colonial Society 1908-1909 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1923 - | VF |
National Youth Administration | Job Training, New Deal Agencies | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1936 - 1944 | B80 |
Native Americans 1 | Sovereignty, Letter, Culture, Invisible, Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, Register 1911/12, Gov. Curtis, Indians of Maine, Penobscot Reservation, Algonquin, Abenaki,Convention | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1907 - | VF |
Native Americans 2 | Jobs, Frank G. Speck, European Contacts, Government, Census, Resources | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1965 - | VF |
Native Americans 3 | Work, Ferry, Eastern Seaboard, National Indian Assoc., Indian Island, New Wealth, Great Falls, Citizenship, Revolution, Chiefs | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1887 - | VF |
Native Americans 4 | USM Workshop, Housing, 1980 Indian Land Claims, Bibliography of Material, Casino, Cultural Site | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1979 - | VF |
Native Americans - Antiquities | Wm. Brown & Earl Weston, Warren, Cumberland County, Pottery, Red Paint People, Old Point, Aziscohos | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1933 - | VF |
Native Americans - Archaeology | Indian Remains, Campsite, Shell Heaps, Aborigine, Burial Ground, Village, Frenchman Bay, Picture Rocks | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920 - | VF |
Native Americans - Aroostook | Letter | 1940 - | VF | |
Native Americans - Bibliography | Red Paint, Book List, Archaeological, Bulletin, Indian Movement | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1918 - | VF |
Native Americans - Biographies | Old Town, Princess, Famous Indians, Metallak, Congress Seat, Bunny McBride | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1937 - | VF |
Native Americans - Customs | Abbe Museum, Red Road, Dance | Newspaper, Magazine | 1958 - | VF |
Native Americans - Education | Penobscot Tribe, School Closing, Tuition, Advisory Committee, Buildings, Day Care, Bermuda North Project, Vista Project, Denise Altvater, Bulletin | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1967 - | VF |
Native Americans - Employment | Job Training, Dangerous Job, | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1970 - | VF |
Native Americans - Food | Horticulture, Material Life, Food | Newspaper, Magazine | 1940 - | VF |
Native Americans - Handcrafts | Passamaquoddy, Basket-making, Weaving, Mary Mitchell Gabriel, Bulletin | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1970 - | VF |
Native Americans - History | York County, AAUW, Tobacco Shop Sign, Androscoggin, Red Paint People, Sprague's Journal, Indian Raid, Laws, Dawn People, Woodland Indians, Book List | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1880 - | VF |
Native Americans - Inscriptions | 10th Annual Report 1888/89, Carvings, Letter | Newspaper | 1888 - | VF |
Native Americans - Kennebec | Bashaba, Cobbosseecontee | Newspaper | 1937 - | VF |
Native Americans - Lands | Great Northern Paper, L.D.2037, Legislaative Record, Agreement, Settlement, Court, Federal, Litigation, Treaties, Tribal Court | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1977 - | VF |
Native Americans - Language 1 | Abenaki, Books, Journal | 1968 - | VF | |
Native Americans - Language 2 | Passamaquoddy, Saving Language, Unpublished | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 2000 - | VF |
Native Americans - Legends | Mt. Katahdin, White Blossom, Poem, Mt. Kineo, Father Rasle, Robert P. Tristram Coffin, St. Aspenquid | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Native Americans - Maliseet | Federal Recognition, 13th Algonquian Conference | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1981 - | VF |
Native Americans - Medicine | Health Survey, Eastern Maine Medical, Bulletin, Natural Healing | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1964 - | VF |
Native Americans - Micmac | Legislation, Basket-making, Loring Water, Leader, Federal Housing, Employment Laws | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1986 - | VF |
Native Americans - Monuments & Memorials | Deering Oaks, Letters | Newspaper | 1973 - | VF |
Native Americans - Music | Letters, Song, Native Chants, Drum | Newspaper | 1929 - | VF |
Native Americans - Pageants | Letter, Ceremonial, Peace Pipe | Newspaper | 1931 - | VF |
Native Americans - Passamaquoddy 1 | History, Living Conditions, Travel-Pageants, Waterways, Factory, Murder, Methodist, Tidal Project, Legislative Research 1941-1942, Indian Bureau | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1921 - | VF |
Native Americans - Passamaquoddy 2 | Dance, Homes, Business, Tidal Project, Loggers, Agent, Communication, Ancient Treaties | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1892 - | VF |
Native Americans - Passamaquoddy 3 | Economic Development 1973, Computers, Trust Fund, Gordon Island, Casino, LNG, Carvings, Tribal Leader | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1973 - | VF |
Native Americans - Penobscot 1 | Barry Dana, Indians Live, History, Conference 1988, History, Preserving, Laws 1796, Tribal Assets | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1882 - | VF |
Native Americans - Penobscot 2 | John Banks, Barry Dana, Wayne Mitchell, Indian Island, History, Heroes, Leaders, Church, New Bridge, Removal of Children | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1938 - | VF |
Native Americans - Place Names | Towns Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Bulletin | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - | VF |
Native Americans - Red Paint | Artifacts List, History, Bulletin | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1955 - | VF |
Native Americans - Relics | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1948 | B57 |
Native Americans - Trails | Letter, Water Trail | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1924 - | VF |
Native Americans - Treaties | Survey, List of Documents, Thomas Pownal | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920 - | VF |
Native Americans - Tribes | Algonquin Nation, Town Register 1907, American Ethnology 1925-1926, Paris, Maine | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1880 - | VF |
Native Americans - Vol. 2 | Few recipes | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1970 | B59 |
Native Americans - Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1965 | B58 |
Native Americans - Wabanaki | Basket, Dance, History, Northern Lights | Photocopy, Magazine | 1960 - | VF |
Neal, John | Maine Writer 1793 - 1876 | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1920- | BIO |
Nearing, Helen | Maine Writer 1904 - 1995 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1972 - | BIO |
Nearing, Scott | Maine Writer 1883 - 1983 | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1972- | BIO |
Nelligan, Emily | Artist 1925- | Brochure, Newspaper | 2000- | BIO |
Nelson, Charles P | Member of Congress 1907-1962 | Newspaper | 1946- | BIO |
Nelson, James L. | Maine Writer 1962- | Newspaper, Magazine | 2000- | BIO |
Nelson, John E | Political figure 1874-1955 | Newspaper, Magazine | 1931- | BIO |
Nelson, Judd A | Actor 1959- | Newspaper | 1987- | BIO |
Nelson, Judd A | Actor 1959- | Newspaper | 1987- | BIO |
Newspapers | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - 1949 | B78 |
Normal Schools | Colleges | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - 1939 | B79 |
Oddities | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1940 | B81 |
Ogilvie, Elisabeth M | Maine Notable, Maine Writer, 1917 ? 2006 | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1951- | BIO |
Oxford County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1970 | BC |
Paper & Pulp 1 | Paper Mills, Paper Industry, Manufacturing, Great Northern Paper Company, Richard A. Hebert, St. Regis, Senator Muskie, Trucking, Georgia-Pacific, Firms 1860-1900, Work Horses, Glenn Richmond | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1926 - | VF |
Paper & Pulp 2 | Great Northern Paper, Bowater Inc., Dard Hunter, Recycling, Dioxin, University of Maine, Mummy Wrapping, Paper Mills, Paper Industry, Manufacturing, Strike, Ralph H. McKee, Allagash, Ralph Nader | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1962 - | VF |
Paper & Pulp 3 | Manufacturing, Jobs, Mills, Disputes, Dioxin, Chlorine-free Paper, Albert Dunlap, Waste Paper, University of Maine | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1902 - | VF |
Parks | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1950 | B82 |
Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project | Chronology of project | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1937 | B83 |
Peat | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - 1943 | B84 |
Pemaquid | Lighthouse, Winter, Fishing, Excavations, Restoration, Attack, Pictures | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1920 - | VF |
Penobscot County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - 1972 | BC |
Pineland | Program Initiated, Legislature, Massive Evacuation, Volunteers, SAD 15, School, Daycare, Inadequate Pay Raise, Research, Sexual Promiscuity, Training Center, Children's Hospital | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1950 - | VF |
Pirates | Memories, Stories | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - 1940 | B85 |
Piscataquis County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1904 - 1961 | BC |
Plant Marvels | J. H. Lovell | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1932 | B86 |
Pollution Vol. 1 | General articles to Androscoggin River | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1953 - 1970 | B87 |
Pollution Vol. 2 | Androscoggin to Worthly Brook | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1964 - 1970 | B88 |
Porgy Fish | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1938 - 1940 | B89 |
Portland Cement Co. | Books 1 to 4 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 | B65 |
Potato 1 | Politics, Recipes, Agricultural Statistics 1985-1986, Vine Killing, Farming & Soil Erosion 1972-1978, Kennebec Potato, Congressional Hearing 1929, McDonald's, Inspection, Potato Variety 1962, Alvah Perry, Festival, Exports, Fuel | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1929 - | VF |
Potato 2 | Surplus, Processing Plant, Factory, Composting, Jobs, John Thorne, Trademark, Paper Bags, Potato Cooperative, Potato Licensing Act, University of Maine, Plants, Flea Bugs, Mashed Potato, Automated, Harvest Time, Seaweed | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1937 - | VF |
Potato 3 | Industry, Festival, Irving, Maine Growers, Spoiled Spuds, Beetles, Blight, Harvest Workers, Kids, Research, Peas | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1958 - | VF |
Pulp, Paper & Pulp Products Vol. 1 | Including Report on Great Northern '59 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1964 | B90 |
Pulp, Paper & Pulp Products Vol. 2 | _ | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1965 | B91 |
Quoddy Project | Lincoln Smith | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 | B92 |
Railroads | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1954 | B93 |
Railroads | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1953 - 1990 | B93a |
Railroads 1 | Passenger Service, Portland-Boston, Declining Railroads, Clinton F. Thurlow, Junctions, First Steam Railroad, Shortest Railroad, Frank H. Burt, Booklist, Amtrak, Federal Program, Stations | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1957 - | VF |
Railroads 2 | Walter M. Macdougal, Cease Passenger Runs, Northern Maine, Postcard, Piggy-back, Bankrupt, Trolley, Annual Report 1961, Roger B. Buettell, Barbara Dunn Hitchuer, Congress, Stations, Derailment, Museum | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1946 - | VF |
Railroads 3 | First Trains, Barbara Dunn Hitchuer, Frank P. Schmidt, Richard H. Lee, Linwood W. Moody, Glenn Richmond, Albert O. Porter, Jim Shaughnessy, Nelson Hussey, Bud Yallalee, William C. Gove, Covered Bridges, Passenger Trains, Manufacturing Firm, Jobs, Federal Government, Portland-Boston, Derailment, Two Footer, Horse Railroad, Annual Report 1958 & 1978 | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1958 - | VF |
Railroads 4 | Depots, Amtrak, Augusta, Downeaster, Guilford Rail System, History, Rockland, Irving, Trolley, Booklist, Lawmakers, Museum | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1952 - | VF |
Railroads - Electric | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1947 | B94 |
Red Jacket Old & New | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1939 - 1940 | B95 |
Rivers | A - K | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1968 | B96 |
Rivers | M - Z | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1965 | B97 |
Riverview Psychiatric Center | ASH Panelists, Lack of Training, Garden Project, Security Unit, Job Barriers, Durham Rule, School, Patients' Rights, Legislator, Fire, Closing, New Hospital, AMHI(Augusta Mental Health Institute) | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1965 - | VF |
Roads | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1965 | B98 |
Rugs | Handmade | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1948 | B99 |
Rural Schools Ancient & Modern | Crossroad Schools | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - 1949 | B100 |
Sagadahoc County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1913 - 1950 | BC |
Sailing Ships - Steamboats Vol. 1 | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1949 | B101 |
Sailing Ships - Steamboats Vol. 2 | Index of ships names | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1970 | B102 |
Sailors' Stories | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1937 - 1944 | B103 |
Salmon 1 | Genetic Studies, Fish Farming, Kendall Warner, Budget, Management, Commission, Phil Harriman, Kennebec Salmon, Fishing, Douglas Blanchard, Disease, Egg Removal, H.W.Lanier, Hatchery, Stocking | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1938 - | VF |
Salmon 2 | Virus, Endangered Species Act, Kennebec Fish, Greenland, Decline, Genetics, Dam Owner | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1959 - | VF |
Seacoast Mission | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1944 | B104 |
Seal - Maine | Flag, Bulletin, History, Letter, Maine Song, Seal Revised, Arms of the States, Artist, Christina Crandell, Symbolism, Pictures | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1820 - | VF |
Shakers 1 | Male Converts, Shakers' Ingenuity, Sabbathday Lake, Mystique, Museum, Colony tour, Songs, History, Gloria Hutchinson, Traditions, Mary Carpenter Kelley | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1901 - | VF |
Shakers 2 | Colonies Dwindling, Sister Bertha Lindsay, Herb Business, Booklist, Fire, Mary Carpenter Kelley, Legislature, Sister Mildred Barker, Sister Gertrude Soule, Rebuilding, Furniture, Shaker Hill, Shaker Theology | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1937 - | VF |
Shakers 3 | Four Members, Sister Frances Burgess, Sister Minnie E. Greene, Thanksgiving, Volunteers, Architecture, $3.5M Deal | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1996 - | VF |
Shell Heaps | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1940 | B105 |
Shiloh | Durham, Holy Ghost and Us Society, Holman F. Day, Coronet, Louise Dickinson Rich, Lillian L. Trott, Newspaper Reference List, TV Documentary, Frank Sandford | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - | VF |
Shipbuilding 1 | Tyler & Rice Shipyard, Senator Mitchell, Five Famous Maine Ships, Launching of, Nineteenth Century Schooner, Governor Curtis, Shipyard Sale, Yachts, Clippers, Schooners, Shipyards, Caulkers, Census of Manufacturies-1905 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1958 - | VF |
Shipbuilding 2 | Taylor Allen, Threat of Closure, Wooden Boats, Early Shipyard Work, Kenneth R. Mantin | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1994 - | VF |
Shipyards WWII - Small | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1941 - 1943 | B106 |
Shoe Industry | August I. Wieners, Richard A. Hebert, Bass Shoe, Shoe Training, Shoe Plants, Bruce MacDonald, Strike, New Technology | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1948 - | VF |
Smith, Samantha | Maine Notable 1972-1985 Peace activist | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1982- | BIO |
Sockalexis, Louis | Maine Notable 1871 - 1913 Athlete | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1959- | BIO |
Soldiers in Pacific Jungle Warfare | 103rd Infantry | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1947 | B107 |
Somerset County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - 1969 | BC |
Songs - State of Maine - Song By Snow | Maine Song, Copyright | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1931 - | VF |
State Institutions | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1957 | B108 |
State Officials Biographies | Substantial articles on Maine residents | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 - 1970 | B109 |
State Symbols | Maine Library Bulletin, Pine Cone and Tassel, Letter | Photograph, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1929 - | VF |
Steamboat Yarns & Penobscot's Men of Steam | John M. Richardson | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1952 - 1959 | B110 |
Steamboating | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1920 - 1943 | B111 |
Stookey, Noel Paul | Maine Notable 1937 - | Newspaper | 1977- | BIO |
Stowe, Harriet Beecher | Maine Notable Maine Writer 1811 ? 1896 | Photograph, Newspaper, Magazine | 1938- | BIO |
Strater, Henry | 1896-1987 Artist and Philanthropist | Newspaper, Magazine | 1936 - | BIO |
Strider, Robert E. L. | 1917-2010 Academic Colby College President | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1960- | BIO |
Strunk, Judd | 1936-1981 Entertainer, musician, humorist | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1968- | BIO |
Stuart, Theresa Cyrstal | 1885-1965 Maine State Librarian 1941 * 1947 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1941- | BIO |
Stubbs, Marion B. | 1888-1967 Maine State Librarian 1947-1958 | Newspaper, Magazine | 1947- | BIO |
Stucki, Margaret | 1928 - Artist | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | 1972 - | BIO |
Sturges, Dwight | Artist 1874-1940 | Newspaper | 1972- | BIO |
Sturgis, Guy H | Maine Justice | Newspaper | 1948 | BIO |
Sturgis, Margaret E | Artist- | Newspaper | 1950- | BIO |
Sukeforth, Clyde | Baseball player 1901-2000 | Newspaper | 1949- | BIO |
Sullivan, James | Politician 1744-1808 | Newspaper, Magazine | 1920 | BIO |
Taverns - Old Maine | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - 1952 | B112 |
Tefft, Charles A | Sculpture, Bangor 1874-1951 | Brochure, Photograph, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932- | BIO |
Textile Manufacturing | Sanford Mill | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1949 | B114 |
Textile Manufacturing | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1907 - 1967 | B113 |
Thaxter, Celia | Author 1835 - 1894 | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1938- | BIO |
Thayer, Cynthia | Author Gouldsboro 1944- | Newspaper | 1998- | BIO |
Theaters | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1925 - 1949 | B115 |
Thomaston Scrapbook | Knox County, Lee Morse | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1953 - 1969 | BC |
Togus/Veterans Administration Home | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1928 - 1951 | B116 |
Town Meeting Time Again | John J. Pullen, John T. Gould, Franklin Wright | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1936 - 1940 | B117 |
Trails 1 | Rail Trail, East Coast Greenway, Kennebec Chaudiere International Corridor, Appalachia, Historic, Water Trail, Bridle Trail, Hunt Trail, Acadian Trail, Coos Trail, Turtle Ridge Trail, Heritage Trail | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1922 - | VF |
Trails 2 | Land Trust, Highland Trail, Listing of Trails | Map, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1999 - | VF |
Trees 1 | Chestnut, Birch Bark, Maple, Balsam Fir, Birches, Elm, Pines, Spruce, Hemlock, Forest Trees-1968, Street Trees, Tree Farm, Seedlings, Fungus, Snow Fence, Dutch Elm Disease, New York, Christmas Trees, Lloyd Ferriss, Foliage, Forest Planting, L.M.Eastman, Poachers | Brochure, Map, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1938 - | VF |
Trees 2 | White Pine, Autumn, Conifers of Maine, Planting, Elephant Tree, Chestnut Tree, Hemlock Tree | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1995 - | VF |
Trees - Notable | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1961 | B118 |
University of Maine | 75th Anniversary | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1940 | B119 |
Valle, Rudy | Maine Notable 1901 ? 1986 Entertainer, singer actor | Photograph, Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930- | BIO |
Vehicles | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1930 - 1948 | B120 |
Waldo County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - 1970 | BC |
Washington County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1922 - 1970 | BC |
Welliver, Neil | Artist, Resident Linconville, 1929-2005 | Brochure, Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1975- | BIO |
West, Austin | Poet Bridgton | Brochure, Newspaper | 1961- | BIO |
Westcott, Seth | Athlete, Olympic gold medal winner, Snowboard, | Newspaper, Magazine | 2006- | BIO |
Weston, Christine | Writer, Novelist, Brewer 1904-1989 | Brochure, Newspaper, Magazine | BIO | |
White, E.B. | Maine Notable, Maine writer 1899 - 1985 | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1969- | BIO |
Wind Power | Letter, Kenetech Wind Project, Sugarloaf, Tiny Endless Energy Company, Land Use Regulation Commission, Boundary Mountain, U.S. Windpower, Mars Hill Wind Power Project, SAD #3, Kibby Mountain, Redington, Gov. Baldacci, Black Nubble Project, Walker's Point | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1982 - | VF |
Winter Carnival | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1935 - 1941 | B121 |
Winter Sports | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1926 - 1951 | B122 |
Women | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1956 | B123 |
Wood - Using Industries | Gregory Baker, Wiscasset Mill, Col. Thomas Westbrook, Corncob Pipe Manufactured, Metcalf Wood Products Co., Particleboard Plant, Penley's Pins, Bill Keoskie, Bessie Weymouth White, Bethel Furniture Stock, Wooden Barrels, Clothes Pins, Sawmills, Dowel Makers, Dry-Ki, Caskets, Sen. Muskie, Wood Industries-1942, Archery Sets, Locke Mills, Wooden Handles, The Saco Company | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1951 - | VF |
Wood Util. Industry | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1966 | B124 |
Woods Guides | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1932 - 1948 | B125 |
Woolen Mills | Carleton Mill, Eastland Woolen Mill, International Woolen Co., American Woolen Company Mills, Lincolnsfield Mill, Farnsworth Woolen Mill, Mayall Mill, Mill Fire, Pittsfield Woolen Yarns | Newspaper, Photocopy, Magazine | 1949 - | VF |
York County | - | Newspaper, Photocopy | 1927 - 1970 | BC |