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Lowry, Lois (1937 - )
Genre: Children's Literature
Lois Lowry was a military "brat" and a military wife, the result being that she was born in Hawaii and has lived in different places all over the world. She lives in Cambridge, MA and in Maine. She attended Brown University and received her degree from the University of Southern Maine.
Selected Bibliography
- A Summer to Die (1977)
- Here in Kennebunkport (1978)
- Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye (1978)
- Stay! Keeper's Story (1997)
- Looking Back: A Book of Memories (1998)
- A Letter from the Snow (1999)
- The Silent Boy (2003)
- Messenger (2004)
- Gossamer (2006)
- Gooney, The Fabulous (2007)
- The Willoughbys (2008)
- Gooney Bird is so Absurd (2009)
- Crow Call (2009)
- The Birthday Ball (2010)
- Like the Willow Tree: the Eiary of Lydia Amelia Pierce (2011)
- Son (2012)
- Gooney Bird and All Her Charms (2013)
- Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye (2017)
- On the Horizon (2020) illustrated by Kenard Pak
- The Willoughbys Return (2020)