Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 1828 ? 1914

Books about Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Photo Credit: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Collection, George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, Bowdoin College Library

  • Known For: General, Union Army ? Hero of Little Round Top, Gettysburg; Governor of Maine
  • Maine Connection: Bowdoin College professor; Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry; Governor of Maine, 1866-1870; President, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 1871-1883


Selected Books by Chamberlain

  • “Bayonet! Forward”: My Civil War Reminiscences [by] Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 1994.

Selected Books about Chamberlain

  • Joshua Chamberlain: the Soldier and the Man by Edward G. Longacre, 1999.
  • Fanny and Joshua: the Enigmatic Lives of Frances Caroline Adams and Joshua by Diane Monroe Smith, 1999
  • Lawrence Chamberlain by Diane Monroe Smith, 1999.
  • Joshua Chamberlain: a Hero’s Life and Legacy by John J. Pullen, c1999.

Selected Websites