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Lawyers in Libraries
Law Week is May 1-7, 2016
Because libraries are at the heart of our communities and justice is at the heart of our democracy, librarians and lawyers are joining forces.
Talk to a Lawyer
During Law Week, May 1-7, 2016, Maine lawyers will be present at prearranged times at Maine public libraries throughout the state to meet and speak with members of the public about issues of access to courts and justice in the Twenty-First Century. The lawyers will also provide general guidance and information on referral to legal resources to individual attendees.
The event is scheduled to last up to 2 hours. The goal of Lawyers in Libraries: Law Day 2016 is to provide Maine citizens with an understanding of how having meaningful access to legal advice and information is critical to their community’s well-being. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet a lawyer in their community and receive information about free resources and low-cost legal assistance. Information on consulting with a lawyer, unbundled services and the Lawyer Referral Service of the Maine State Bar Association will also be available – information that will be helpful for those who do not qualify for free legal help. Organizers of the event will prepare materials to assist the lawyers with a brief presentation and will provide guidelines for the libraries regarding the format of the event. In addition, promotional materials will be provided. Online support and materials will be posted here (ZIP, 604 Kb) and at https://lawyersinlibraries.org. If you are interested in hosting this program or would like additional information, please e-mail Lawyers in Libraries.
This event is organized and presented by the Maine Justice Action Group Collaboration on Innovation, Technology and Equal Access to Justice which includes the Maine State Bar Association, The Maine Bar Foundation, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Maine public libraries, the Volunteer Lawyers Project, the State of Maine Judicial Branch and other organizations committed to furthering the cause of access to justice.
For more information visit: www.lawyersinlibraries.org