Site Information and Disclaimer
The Cultural & Architectural Resource Management Archive (CARMA) Map Viewer allows the public to search the Maine Historic Preservation Commission’s (Commission) database for information on historic, above ground, non-archaeological, properties in the state. CARMA does not contain information on archaeological sites. This on-line, GIS-based resource was developed by the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Commission, with financial support from MDOT. The Commission is the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for Maine and it houses and maintains a broad range of information relating to historic properties including historic buildings, structures, sites, districts, and objects.
Users of CARMA should keep in mind that it does not include information on all historic properties in Maine. Due to the volume of old survey material already on file, this database does NOT contain all the National Register listed or eligible properties in the state. Properties are added weekly to this database; and eligibility assessments are subject to change based on additional information obtained by the Commission and reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Officer.
No guarantee, inferred or explicit is made regarding the accuracy of the survey information, addresses, locations on the maps, or eligibility assessments. Many of the surveyed properties in CARMA may have incomplete or missing addresses. The absence of a survey form for a specific property is no indicator of whether or not a property has been recorded or documented by the Commission.
CARMA does not contain information on archaeological sites. Information on State Historic Sites and State Parks is found on the Maine Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands website.
Data available here is for information purposes only.
The act of checking this database does not substitute for compliance with applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations as they relate to the identification and protection of historic property. If you are representing a proposed project that will require a permit, license or funding subject to state or federal agency review please see MHPC’s project review webpage or contact Megan M. Rideout at (207) 287-2992.