Project Review

Construction area
Photo: Steve Pelletier, Fort Kent

It is the Commission's goal, through the project review process, to protect historic properties in the State of Maine while striking a balance between the public interest in historic preservation and governmental, commercial and private interests in various initiatives.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (as amended) aims to protect historic and cultural properties from unintentional federal action. A federal action can be through a permit, license, or funding.

When a project uses federal funds or requires a federal or state permit or federal license, the State Historic Preservation Office has the opportunity to comment on the project’s effect on historic resources.

Section 106 requires federal agencies to consult with the State Historic Preservation Office to:

  • Identify historic properties in the project area and determine their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places
  • Consider the effect of their projects on historic properties
  • Seek ways to avoid or reduce adverse effects to historic properties

The Commission will respond to requests for review within thirty days of receipt of notice with either a request for additional information, or a finding of how the undertaking or project will affect historic properties. All review materials may be submitted electronically to OR in hard copy to the following address: Kirk F. Mohney, Director, Maine Historic Preservation Commission, 55 Capitol Street, 65 State House Station, Augusta, ME, 04333-0065. 

Our office is accepting electronic submissions. Please submit project review materials to  If the electronic submission is greater than 50MB, please contact Lauren Swain at

Required Materials


Architectural Survey Guidelines for Project Review


Archaeological Survey Guidelines for Project Review