Implementing Maine's Updated English Language Arts Standards

Do these steps alone and journal your responses or study with colleagues. 

1. At the Beginning: Introduction to the Updated Maine ELA Standards 

1. Watch At the Beginning: Introduction to the Updated Maine ELA Standards (6:20). PPT slides

2. Read and annotate ELA Intro & Preambles:

  • Highlight what is consistent with your current practice and beliefs;

  • Underline what contradicts or is absent from your current practice.

  • DISCUSS or journal: what did you highlight and what did you underline? What are the implications for your school/district?


2 Revisions: Some, None, and Significant.

1. Watch Revisions: Some, None, and Significant (7:07)   PPT slides

2. Read and annotate the ELA Maine Anchor Standards comparison and explanation for a “crosswalk” and reasons for changes.

  • Note where you see media literacy and information literacy explicitly (ex) addressed or implicitly (im) suggested.

3. Do the ELA standards card-sort task.

You can also download just the ELA anchor standards here.

3. The Deep Dive: Preparing to Implement the Updated Standards

1. Watch the Deep Dive: Preparing to Implement the Updated Standards (3:32)    PPT slides        

2. Download ELA K-12 Vertical Progression

3. Study the performance indicators for the standards you grouped.

  • What has come before?

  • What comes after?