2016 Legislative Statements of Sources of Income

Legislators are required to file a statement of specific sources of income received in the preceding calendar year on February 15th of each year. The following forms reflect income received during 2016 by members of the 128th Legislature. The files are in PDF format and require the free Adobe Reader program.


Senator District Senator District
Bellows, Shenna (PDF) (Update Filed) 14 Hill, Dawn (PDF) 35
Brakey, Eric (PDF) 20 Jackson, Troy Dale (PDF) 1
Breen, Catherine E. (PDF) 25 Katz, Roger (PDF) 15
Carpenter, Michael E. (PDF) 2 Keim, Lisa (PDF) 18
Carson, Brownie (PDF) 24 Langley, Brian (PDF) 7
Chenette, Justin (PDF) (3 Updates Filed) 31 Libby, Nathan L. (PDF) 21
Chipman, Benjamin (PDF) 27 Maker, Joyce A. (PDF) 6
Collins, Ronald F. (PDF) (Update Filed) 34 Mason, Garrett Paul (PDF) 22
Cushing III, Andre (PDF) 10 Millett, Rebecca (PDF) 29
Cyrway, Scott W. (PDF) (2 Updates Filed) 16 Miramant, David (PDF) 12
Davis, Sr., Paul T. (PDF) (Update Filed) 4 Rosen, Kimberly (PDF) 8
Deschambault, Susan (PDF) 32 Saviello, Thomas (PDF) 17
Diamond, G. William (PDF) 26 Thibodeau, Michael (PDF) 11
Dill, James F. (PDF) 5 Vitelli, Eloise A. (PDF) 23
Dion, Mark N. (PDF) 28 Volk, Amy (PDF) 30
Dow, Dana L. (PDF) 13 Whittemore, Rodney L. (PDF) 3
Gratwick, Geoffrey (PDF) (amended 03/29/2017) 9 Woodsome, David C. (PDF) 33
Hamper, James (PDF) 19    


Representative District Representative District
Ackley, Kent F. (PDF) 82 Kornfield, Victoria P. (PDF) 125
Alley, Sr., Robert W. (PDF) 138 Kumiega III, Walter A. (PDF) 134
Austin, Betty A. (PDF) 107 Lawrence, Mark W. (PDF) 2
Austin, Susan M. (PDF) 67 Lockman, Lawrence (PDF) 137
Babbidge, Christopher W. (PDF) 8 Longstaff, Thomas R.W. (PDF) 109
Bailey, Donna (PDF) 14 Luchini, Louis (PDF) (Update Filed) 132
Bates, Dillon (PDF) 35 Lyford, Peter A. (PDF) 129
Battle, Kevin J. (PDF) (Update Filed) 33 Madigan, Colleen M. (PDF) 110
Bear, Henry John (PDF)   Madigan, Jr., John E. (PDF) 115
Beebe-Center, Anne H. (PDF) 93 Malaby, Richard S. (PDF) 136
Berry, Seth (PDF) 55 Marean, Donald G. (PDF) 16
Bickford, Bruce (PDF) (Update Filed) 63 Martin, John L. (PDF) (2 Updates Filed) 151
Black, Russell (PDF) 114 Martin, Roland D. (PDF) 150
Blume, Lydia (PDF) 3 Mason, Gina (PDF) 56
Bradstreet, Richard (PDF) 80 Mastraccio, Anne-Marie (PDF) 18
Brooks, Heidi E. (PDF) 61 McCrea, David H. (PDF) 148
Bryant, Mark (PDF) 24 McCreight, Joyce E. (PDF) (Update Filed) 51
Campbell, Richard (PDF) 130 McElwee, Carol A. (PDF) 149
Cardone, Barbara A. (PDF) 127 McLean, Andrew (PDF) 27
Casas, Owen (PDF) 94 Melaragno, Gina (PDF) 62
Cebra, Richard M. (PDF) 68 Monaghan, Kimberly J. (PDF) 30
Chace, Paul B. (PDF) 46 Moonen, Matthew (PDF) 38
Chapman, Ralph (PDF) 133 Nadeau, Catherine M. (PDF) 78
Collings, Benjamin T. (PDF) 42 O'Connor, Beth (PDF) 5
Cooper, Janice E. (PDF) 47 O'Neil, Margaret (PDF) 15
Corey, Patrick (PDF) (Update Filed) 25 Ordway, Lester S. (PDF) 23
Craig, Garrel (PDF) 128 Parker, Jennifer (PDF) 6
Daughtry, Matthea E. L. (PDF) (Update Filed) 49 Parry, Wayne (PDF) 10
DeChant, Jennifer (PDF) 52 Perkins, Michael D. (PDF) 77
Denno, Dale (PDF) 45 Perry, Anne (PDF) 140
Devin, Michael (PDF) 90 Picchiotti, John Joseph (PDF) 108
Dillingham, Kathleen RJ (PDF) 72 Pickett, Richard A. (PDF) 116
Doore, Donna R. (PDF) 85 Pierce, Jeffrey K. (PDF) 53
Duchesne, Robert S. (PDF) 121 Pierce, Teresa (PDF) 44
Dunphy, Michelle (PDF) 122 Pouliot, Matthew (PDF) 86
Espling, Ellie (PDF) (Update Filed) 65 Prescott, Dwayne (PDF) 17
Farnsworth, Richard R. (PDF) 37 Reckitt, Lois Galgay (PDF) 31
Farrin, Bradlee (PDF) 111 Reed, Roger (PDF) 103
Fay, Jessica (PDF) (Update Filed) 66 Riley, Christina (PDF) 74
Fecteau, Ryan M. (PDF) (Update Filed) 11 Ross, Rachel Talbot (PDF) 40
Foley, Robert (PDF) 7 Rykerson, Deane (PDF) 1
Fredette, Kenneth Wade (PDF) 100 Sampson, Heidi (PDF) 21
Frey, Aaron M. (PDF) 124 Sanborn, Heather (PDF) (Update Filed) 43
Fuller, Roger J. (PDF) 59 Sanderson, Deborah (PDF) 88
Gattine, Andrew (PDF) 34 Schneck, John (PDF) 126
Gerrish, Karen A. (PDF) 20 Seavey, Stedman (PDF) 9
Gideon, Sara (PDF) (Update Filed) 48 Sheats, Bettyann (PDF) 64
Gillway, James S. (PDF) 98 Sherman, Roger L. (PDF) 144
Ginzler, Phyllis A. (PDF) 69 Simmons, Abden (PDF) 91
Golden, Jared (PDF) 60 Sirocki, Heather W. (PDF) (amended 03/30/2017) 28
Grant, Gay M. (PDF) 83 Skolfield, Thomas H. (PDF) 112
Grignon, Chad (PDF) 118 Spear, John (PDF) 92
Grohman, Martin (PDF) 12 Stanley, Stephen S. (PDF) 143
Guerin, Stacey (PDF) 102 Stearns, Paul (PDF) 119
Haggan, David (PDF) 101 Stetkis, Joel R. (PDF) 105
Hamann, Scott (PDF) 32 Stewart III, Harold (PDF) (2 Updates Filed) 147
Handy, James (PDF) 58 Strom, Scott (PDF) 106
Hanington, Sheldon M. (PDF) 142 Sutton, Paula G. (PDF) (Update Filed) 95
Hanley, Jeffery P. (PDF) 87 Sylvester, Michael (PDF) 39
Harlow, Denise (PDF) 36 Tepler, Denise (PDF) 54
Harrington, Matthew (PDF) 19 Terry, Maureen (PDF) 26
Harvell, Lance (PDF) 113 Theriault, Tim (PDF) 79
Hawke, Stephanie (PDF) 89 Timberlake, Jeffrey (PDF) 75
Head, Frances M. (PDF) 117 Tipping-Spitz, Ryan (PDF)


Herbig, Erin (PDF) (Update Filed) 97 Tucker, Ralph L. (PDF) 50
Herrick, Lloyd (PDF) 73 Tuell, William R. (PDF) 139
Hickman, Craig V. (PDF) 81 Turner, Beth Peloquin (PDF) 141
Higgins, Norman E. (PDF) 120 Vachon, Karen (PDF) 29
Hilliard, Gary (PDF) 76 Wadsworth, Nathan (PDF) 70
Hogan, George (PDF) 13 Wallace, Raymond (PDF) 104
Hubbell, Brian (PDF) 135 Ward, Karleton S. (PDF) 131
Hymanson, Patricia (PDF) 4 Warren, Charlotte (PDF) 84
Johansen, Christropher A. (PDF) 145 White, Dustin M. (PDF) 146
Jorgensen, Erik C. (PDF) (Update Filed) 41 Winsor, Tom J. (PDF) (Update Filed) 71
Kinney, Jonathan (PDF) 22 Wood, Stephen J. (PDF) 57
Kinney, MaryAnne (PDF) 99 Zeigler, Jr., Stanley Paige (PDF) 96