2008 Statements of Sources of Income

Legislators are required to file a statement of specific sources of income received in the preceding calendar year on February 15th of each year. The following forms reflect income received during 2008 by members of the 124th Legislature. The files are in PDF format and require the free Adobe Reader program.


Justin Alfond
Philip L. Bartlett II
Lawrence Bliss
Peter B. Bowman
Joseph C. Brannigan
Bruce Bryant
Jonathan T. E. Courtney
Margaret M. Craven
Dennis S. Damon
Gerald M. Davis
Bill Diamond
Stanley J. Gerzofsky
Seth A. Goodall
Walter R. Gooley
David R. Hastings III
Barry J. Hobbins
Troy Jackson
Lisa T. Marrache
Earle L. McCormick
S. Peter Mills
Elizabeth H. Mitchell
Richard A. Nass
John M. Nutting
Joseph C. Perry
Debra D. Plowman
Kevin L. Raye
Christopher Rector
Richard Rosen
Elizabeth M. Schneider
Roger L. Sherman
Deborah L. Simpson
Doug Smith
Nancy Sullivan
A. David Trahan
Carol Weston



Herbert C. Adams
Susan M. Austin
Bernard L. A.  Ayotte
Stephen R. Beaudette
Paulette G. Beaudoin
Michael Gary Beaulieu
Henry E. Beck
Seth Berry
Bruce Bickford
Richard D. Blanchard
Anna D. Blodgett
Andrea Boland
Brian Bolduc
Sheryl J. Briggs
William P.  Browne
Mark Bryant
David C. Burns
Steven J. Butterfield
Emily Ann Cain
James J.  Campbell Sr.
Michael Carey
Alan M. Casavant
Richard M. Cebra
Michael Celli
Kathleen D. Chase
Herbert E. Clark
Tyler Clark
Richard C. Cleary Jr.
Joan F.  Cohen
Gary A. Connor
Alexander Cornell du Houx
H. David Cotta
Dale Crafts
Dean A. Cray
Jarrod S. Crockett
Patsy G. Crockett
Philip A. Curtis
Andre E. Cushing III
Paul T.  Davis Sr.
Cynthia A. Dill
Stacy T. Dostie
Timothy  E. Driscoll
Robert S. Duchesne
Robert N. Eaton
Jane E. Eberle
Peter Edgecomb
Mark Eves
Edward D. Finch
Stacey A. Fitts
Sean Peter Flaherty
Elsie Flemings
Kenneth Fletcher
Patrick S. A.  Flood
Leslie T. Fossel
Jeffery A. Gifford
Paul Gilbert
Jayne Crosby Giles
Adam Goode
Christian D. Greeley
James M. Hamper
Stephen P. Hanley
Charles Harlow
Lance E. Harvell
Anne M. Haskell
Terry Hayes
Dawn Hill
Jon Hinck
George W. Hogan
Robert B. Hunt
Melissa Walsh Innes
Peter B. Johnson
Pat Jones
Henry L. Joy
Bryan T. Kaenrath
Peter S. Kent
Jane S. Knapp
L. Gary Knight
Charles B. Kruger
Michel A. Lajoie
Brian Langley
Edward P. Legg
Sarah O. Lewin
Stephen D. Lovejoy
W. Bruce MacDonald
Veronica Magnan
James R. Martin
John L. Martin
Edward J. Mazurek
Jeffrey McCabe
Howard E. McFadden
Jonathan McKane
Everett W. McLeod Sr.
Elizabeth S. Miller
H. Sawin Millett Jr.
Terry K. Morrison
Joan M. Nass
Mary P. Nelson
Robert W. Nutting
Andrew O'Brien
Peggy A. Pendleton
Ann E. Peoples
Leila J. Percy
Anne Perry
Matthew John Peterson
Wendy Pieh
Donald E. Pilon
Hannah Pingree
Wright H. Pinkham Sr.
John F. Piotti
Gary E. Plummer
Benjamin M. Pratt
Kerri L. Prescott
Charles R. Priest
Helen Rankin
David Everett Richardson
Wesley E. Richardson
John C. Robinson
Kimberley Rosen
Margaret R. Rotundo
Diane Russell-Natera
Linda F. Sanborn
Ralph W.  Sarty Jr.
Thomas Saviello
James M. Schatz
Mike Shaw
Lawrence G. Sirois
Nancy E. Smith
Sara R. Stevens
Meredith N. Strang Burgess
Peter C. Stuckey
Patricia B. Sutherland
Richard M. Sykes
Joshua A. Tardy
Charles K. Theriault
Michael Thibodeau
Douglas A. Thomas
Dianne Tilton
Sharon Treat
Pamela Jabar Trinward
John L. Tuttle Jr.
Linda M. Valentino
David A. Van Wie
Joseph Andrew Wagner
Richard V. Wagner
Thomas R. Watson
Windol C. Weaver
David C. Webster
Joan W.  Welsh
Walter A. Wheeler Sr.
Michael J. Willette (amended)
Thomas J.  Wright