Maine Grid Resilience Federal Formula Fund - Public Information Session


In-Person Meeting Location:

Virtual Zoom Meeting, see link in description.

Meeting schedule/agenda:

Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar. To register through Zoom, see link in description.

Meeting purpose/description: This is a public informational meeting on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Grid Resilience Formula Fund Program (Section 40101d). The meeting will be held virtually on Zoom.

Link to register for the Zoom meeting:

The Grid Resilience Formula Fund program will provide a total of $459 million each year for five years to States and Indian Tribes. The funds available under this program are intended to improve the resilience of the electric grid against disruptive events, such as reducing shut offs due to extreme weather or natural disaster. Maine is currently scheduled to receive nearly $2.2 million for each of the next five years. Maine tribal nations will also separately be allocated their own funding amount. For additional details, visit GEO's website linked here:

GEO is seeking input to help inform the program objectives that will guide funding investments. In this meeting, GEO will share details on the federal program requirements, with time for public comments and questions.

Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids will be provided upon advance request, please contact Allie Rand at or by phone at (207) 816-0765.

Contact name: Allie Rand

Contact phone: (207) 816-0765

Contact email: