RREV Research & Support

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The Region 1 Comprehensive Center (Comp Center) has been involved with the RREV project before it was an officially awarded project! Working with the Maine DOE team that wrote the grant to the Federal Government, the Comp Center helped provide needed background research, important literature reviews, and the proposed format for developing a pilot idea.

After the grant was selected, the Comp Center team continued to support the RREV project in many ways. They met with the RREV team on a bi-weekly basis throughout the entirety of the RREV project. During these bi-weekly meetings, they served as thought partners and help develop many additional tools and resources that would guide and support the RREV work. One of the largest group of resources they produced for the RREV project was a video module series and set of companion guides that would serve as an asynchronous "course" for developing a pilot. Every school team wishing to submit their pilot idea for RREV funding had to complete an Innovative Mindset & Pilot Development (IMPD) course. This module series was our online version for schools to access.


Elaine Bartley
RREV R&D Project Director
Phone: 207-816-0268
Email: Elaine.Bartley@maine.gov

Page Nichols
Chief Innovation Officer
Phone: 207-624-6692
Email: Page.Nicholas@maine.gov