DHHS → MeCDC → Data/Reports → Maine CHNA → Forum Summaries
Summaries from the 2015-2016 SHNAPP Forums
Below are forum summary reports from the 2015 -2016 Community Engagement process by Public Health District and County. Looking ahead, we intend to include this information as part of the 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment reports, to be published in March of 2019.
Public Health District Summaries:
- Aroostook (PDF)
- Central (PDF)
- Cumberland (PDF)
- Downeast (PDF)
- Midcoast (PDF)
- Penquis (PDF)
- Western (PDF)
- York (PDF)
County Summaries:
- Androscoggin (PDF)
- Aroostook (PDF)
- Cumberland (PDF)
- Franklin (PDF)
- Hancock (PDF)
- Kennebec (PDF)
- Knox (PDF)
- Lincoln (PDF)
- Oxford (PDF)
- Penobscot (PDF)
- Piscataquis (PDF)
- Sagadahoc (PDF)
- Somerset (PDF)
- Waldo (PDF)
- Washington (PDF)
- York (PDF)
For more information about the data, please contact: Nancy Birkhimer, nancy.birkhimer@maine.gov.