What Do I Do Now? Handling Challenging Situations with Mentally Ill and Homeless Library Users, Part 2

Course Objectives:

Are staff uncomfortable with library users they perceive to be homeless? Are you looking for ways to reach users in need of social services? Is your library a model for others hoping to provide wider services?

A partnership between the San Francisco Public Library and the local Department of Public Health resulted in the placement of a social worker at the Main Library to link users to housing and social services. Eventually a job-training component was added, providing opportunities to develop marketable skills for people who had been homeless. Meet and hear the story of a library outreach worker who helps herself by helping others.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

Know the basic library behavior guidelines for homeless and mentally ill users Learn about successful outreach and job training opportunities for homeless library users Have strategies for helping people unreceptive to offers of help

This webinar will be of interest to library front-line staff, primarily in public libraries but useful no matter the setting.