Directors ASK

  • Link: Directors ASK
  • Topic: Management - Organizational Leadership
  • Level: Basic
  • Sponsor: WebJunction
  • Format: self paced online
  • Contact Hours: 1

Course Objectives:

NOTE: You must have a WebJunction Learning account to access this content.

Director's ASK! (that stands for: Administrator Secret Knowledge) guides the new or experienced library director through the range of documentation crucial to effectively carrying out the responsibilities of a library administrator, including working with the Board, the budget and personnel. It also covers legal activities and reporting, marketing, programming, and recommendations for keeping on track of it all.

The course is your guide to creating files of all the important administrative information---either to prepare your successor for a smooth transition or to get yourself organized and operating more efficiently.

Since the author works for an Illinois library, there are many specific examples that apply to libraries in the state of Illinois. The learner is encouraged to use the information as a guide to locate or create equivalent resources applicable to another state or library system.

Learning Objectives

Library administrators will: * Examine current library practices and procedures. * Identify key pieces of information that serve as a backbone for managing their library. * Create a resource document using the templates provided by this LibraryU module. * Have the basis for an accurate description of their responsibilities to share with their board.