Home → Division for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing →Resource Guide→Children's Hearing Aids and Auditory Trainers
Last Updated; October 31, 2023
Dorothy Ames Trust Fund
Key Private Bank
P.O. Box 22042
Albany, NY 12201-2042
1-866-238-8650 (V Toll-free)
(518) 257-8765 (FAX)
Through grants, the fund assists deaf children in New England to purchase hearing aids and hire auditory trainers and to teach them to use their voices as distinguished from sign language. To apply, provide a copy of an audiologist report, a statement of need from parents, an estimate of cost for equipment or services requested, and a copy of the parents most recent, signed tax return.
Howard & Espa Michaud Charitable Trust
30 Skyway Drive
Unit 100
Caribou, ME 04736
Contact Person: Judy DeMerchant
493-4135 (V)
TTY Users Call Maine Relay 711
493-4168 (FAX)
Email: judy.demerchant@maine.gov
This trust is designed to assist "children from the Aroostook County area, with special emphasis on children from the greater Presque Isle area, who are in need of special treatment related to audio disorders or deficiencies." Funds may be used exclusively for the care, treatment and/or furnishing of devices for children with hearing impairments or disorders. All other funding sources must be accessed first.
Insurance Companies are required to provide hearing aid coverage for children up to the age of 18 years (there are a few exceptions).
Contact your insurance company for details. To view the law go to www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/24-A/title24-Asec2762.html
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-011
1-800-977-6740 (V)
TTY Users Call Maine Relay 711
MaineCare provides limited coverage on hearing aids for children 21 years of age and under. Contact MaineCare for more details.
Miracle-Ear Foundation
150 South 5th Street, Suite 2300
Minneapolis, MN 55402
800-234-5422 (V)
Website: Miracle-Ear Foundation
Gift of Sound Program:
The Miracle-Ear Foundation serves and supports children and adults who have a hearing loss. Our Gift of Sound program provides hearing aids and hearing support services at no cost* to families or individuals who have incomes that are significantly limited, who are unable to afford the high costs of quality hearing instruments, and who have exhausted all possible resources for their hearing health. Hearing challenges are unique; every application for service and support is considered on an individual basis. The recommended hearing aid style will depend on a person's specific hearing condition and circumstances.
*Application fee is $150 for adults, ages 19 years and older, requesting services from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. This is a non-refundable fee; please make sure you fit eligibility criteria before applying. Also see the HEARING AID ASSISTANCE chapter.