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Legally Qualified Sign Language Interpreters
Last Updated; August 7, 2024
Legally Qualified Sign Language Interpreters
American Sign Language (ASL) and Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) Requirements to Become a Legal Interpreter in Maine through the Maine State Courts.
Interpretation and translation services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals whose primary language is American Sign Language are governed in Maine by 5 M.R.S. 48-A.
Maine Judicial Branch Administrative Order JB-06-03 states court interpretation services may be provided by an American Sign Language interpreter, including a Certified Deaf Interpreter, who is:
licensed in the State of Maine-interpreters licensed in other states may interpret in Maine courts up to sixty (60) hours, after which point they must apply to be licensed in Maine
holds a national interpreter certification recognized by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf; and either:
--A. holds a bachelor's degree in any field or an associates degree in interpreting and demonstrates at least 50 hours of legal interpreting or mentoring experience and 30 hours of formal legal training,
--B. holds an associates degree in any field and demonstrates at least 75 hours of legal interpreting or mentoring experience and 50 hours of formal legal training, or
--C. demonstrates at least 100 hours of legal interpreting or mentoring experience and 70 hours of legal training.
Candidates interested in becoming court qualified sign language interpreters must submit a completed portfolio to interpreters@courts.maine.gov, with the following:
-statement of purpose to qualify as a Legally Qualified Interpreter in Maine;
-a copy of bachelors or associates degree, or official transcript;
-documentation of the required formal legal training hours; and
-documentation of the required legal interpreting or mentoring experience hours, which may include letters from qualified mentors.
Please email interpreters@courts.maine.gov with questions about qualifying or to submit your completed portfolio.
The Maine State Courts support the work and training of legally qualified interpreters in its Mission:
"To administer justice by providing a safe, accessible, efficient and impartial system of dispute resolution that serves the public interest, protects individual rights, and instills respect for the law."
Legally Qualified Sign Language Interpreters in Maine as of July 2024
Susan Brule CI, CT, SC:L Massachusetts (207) 608-1883 (cell) sbrule@metrocast.net | Tina Kelly CI, CT, NAD-V, SC:L South Carolina (207) 838-8462 (cell) terptina@aol.com |
Lesley Richardson (former-Garey) SC:L, NAD-V, NIC (603) 759-9534 (cell) New Hampshire 4lesleyrichardson@gmail.com |
Margaret Haberman, SC:L, CI, CT (207) 212-9337 maghaberman60@gmail.com |
Jane Hecker-Cain, CI/CT, CSC, SC:L, NIC Advanced, IC/TC (207) 229-4115 (cell) (207) 967-8601 janeheckercain@gmail.com |
Tristen Hellewell, EIPA, NIC * (207) 386-5971 ehellewell@pinetreesociety.org |
Shelly Parks, CI, CT, SC:L (207) 615-2472 (cell) flanders.shelly@icloud.com |
Maurita Marr, CI, CT, SC:L (207) 833-5783 (207) 751-5490 (cell) mmarr@pinetreesociety.org |
Amanda Eisenhart, NIC * (207) 712-2387 amanda_eisenhart@icloud |
Douglas Newton, SC:L, CSC (207) 712-4923 dlnewton.1975@gmail.com |
Maura Nolin, CI/CT, ED:K12 (EIPA 5.0); SC:L (207) 409-6935 mauracn@mac.com |
Judy Shepard-Kegl CSC, OTC, NAD-IV, SC:L, CI/CT, NIC-Master, ED:K-12-EIPA, Master Mentor (207) 400-0493 judykegl@gmail.com |
Meryl Troop, CT, CI, SC:L (207) 332-4867 (cell) meryltroop@gmail.com |
Sandra Unger, NIC * New Hampshire 603-988-8954 unger.sandy@gmail.com |
- As of January 1, 2016 the Specialist Certificate:Legal (SC:L) is no longer offered. Interpreters identified with an * possess qualifications, certifications or credentials to interpret in court proceedings as established by the Supreme Judicial Court, and are therefore considered qualified to work in legal settings.
Deaf Legally Qualified Sign Language Interpreters
Stephanie M. Clark, CDI, SC:L, CLIP-R Massachusetts sclarkenterprises@gmail.com | Alicia Mcclurkan, CDI * (512) 212-1016 (Text only) cdibookme@gmail.com |
Regan Thibodeau, CDI, CLIP-R * (207) 409-2149 (Text only) jobs4regan@gmail.com |
Other Legally Qualified Sign Language Interpreters
John W. Krpan, SC:L, CDI Maryland (240) 241-7191 (443) 367-1695 (Text only) jkrpan@aol.com |
Interpreter Referral Agencies
The State of Maine holds a contract with some American Sign Language interpreting agencies for State departments/agencies to use. Please review overall ratings and costs at the link provided.
Website: State of Maine Division of Purchases
Kewl ASL Interpreting Danielle Perfetto 2411 Atlantic Highway Warren, ME 04864 240-1390 (V) Email: kewlasl@gmail.com |
Mary Jane Grant Sign Language Interpreting Services, LLC P.O. Box 843 Sanford, ME 04073 651-3146 (V) 866-825-9910 (FAX) Email: requests@maryjanegrant.com Website: Mary Jane Grant Sign Language Interpreting Services |
Pine Tree Society - Interpreting Services 71 Nonesuch River Plaza, Suite B Scarborough, ME 04074 885-0536 (V/TTY) 207-510-4647 (VP) 885-0076 (FAX) Email: interpreting@pinetreesociety.org Website: Pine Tree Society - Interpreting Services |
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Code of Professional Conduct (CPC)
RID Code of Professional Conduct