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Accessibility Guide: Environment
MDOL provides a variety of workshops both at our facilities and outside facilities for a variety of our participants. In the field we have less control over environmental issues than we do when offering workshops at Career Centers or other MDOL sites. When planning a workshop, training or event, be prepared from the beginning.
Choosing a Site:
- Accessible parking should be available
- Path from parking area to building should be a minimum of 36 inches wide
- The site should have a wheel chair accessible public entrance and restrooms
- Facility should be on the State list of accessible venues.
The Room:
- The room should be on the first floor or a floor served by an elevator
- Close doors and windows to minimize distractions and noise
- Set up tables and chairs so that those using wheelchairs or other mobility devices can enter the room and find a place without the need to move furniture or equipment (minimum of 36 inch wide maneuvering clearance)
- Tables should be high enough to accommodate a wheel chair (minimum height of 28 inches knee space)
- Arrange display or screens at far end of room, away from windows and out of direct sunlight
- Keep room at a comfortable temperature without using portable fans or heaters, which make it difficult to hear
- Ensure cord and easels are not tripping hazards in walkways
- Lighting should be bright enough for people to navigate the space
- When projecting images or presentations, dim only the area over the screen
- Interpreters, if used, should be situated where the lighting is adequate
- Provide mats on rainy or snowy days to keep the floors as dry as possible. Make sure that mats don’t bunch up
- If special assistance is needed or knowledge is needed to enter, provide staff and signage where appropriate
- Is the main entrance accessible by wheelchair?
- Are routes to the room 36 inches wide or wider outside?
- Inside, are the corridors and aisles at least 36 inches wide?
- If not, is there signage indicating location of nearest accessible entrance?
- Can it be used independently?
- Is an auxiliary sound system available or outlets for equipment such as FM-listening equipment?
- Are table tops or counters minimum 28 inches clearance beneath?
- Is there an accessible bathroom available?
- If not, is there signage indicating the location of the accessible bathr
Last Minute options:
- Move tables and chairs to allow individual access to the room
- Use blocks of wood or paper to raise table to accommodate a wheelchair (be sure it’s stable)
- Change location
References / More information:
- Design for Accessibility: A Cultural Administrator's Handbook National Endowment for the Arts
- Planning and Resource Guide for Cultural Administrators html or (Planning and Resource Guide for Cultural Administrators (pdf version) National Endowment for the Arts
- ADA Standards for Accessible Design US Department of Justice
- Arts Accessibility Introduction and Self-Assessment Maine Arts Commission