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Promoting Fiscal Responsibility
- For the first time in years, Maine enjoys budget surpluses versus annual deficits.
- Paid Maine's 39 hospitals the $750 million owed from the last expansion of Medicaid welfare – without raising taxes.
- Eliminated a $1.7 billion shortfall in Maine's government employee pension system while protecting retirees' future benefits.
- Decreased the size of state government by instituting a hiring freeze and eliminating 467 vacant positions.
- On Day One of the LePage Administration, addressed a $1.3 billion operating budget shortfall with a biennial budget plan that eliminated gimmicks, such as furlough days and "double dipping."
- Ensured surplus revenues flow into the Maine Budget Stabilization Fund (Rainy Day Fund) resulting in a record fund of about $200 million
- Raised the pay of state workers and restored longevity pay.
- Eliminated the mandatory collection of fees from state employees who choose not to join a union.