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Governor Celebrates the Life of the "Great Communicator"
February 1, 2011
Augusta, Maine ? February 6, 2011 will be the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan?s birth, and the seventh since his passing. In honor of our 40th President of the United States of America today the life of Ronald Reagan was celebrated at the State House in Augusta. Governor LePage signed a proclamation declaring Ronald Reagan Day in Maine as dozens of people gathered in the Hall of Flags to celebrate the life and legacy of one of our nation's greatest presidents.
?President Ronald Reagan played a significant role in shaping the leadership in our world, in fact, he is one of the very reasons I am who I am today,? said Governor Paul LePage. ?We honor President Reagan for his common sense approach, political perspective, and wisdom he shared with us. The ?Great Communicator? had a knack for connecting with the American people, and it is my honor to communicate that.?