Energy Storage Procurement Design Study

As Maine grows the portion of electricity derived from renewable sources to cut greenhouse gas emissions, increased energy storage resources are needed to ensure affordable, reliable clean power for Maine households and businesses. LD 1850, An Act Relating to Energy Storage and the State’s Energy Goals, was signed into law by Governor Mills on June 30, 2023. Section 2 of this law directs the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) to evaluate designs for a program to procure up to 200 megawatts of commercially available utility-scale energy storage connected to Maine’s transmission and distribution systems.  

As directed by statute, GEO will examine and consider potential programs that are likely to be cost-effective for ratepayers and achieve the following objectives:    

  • Advance both the State's climate and clean energy goals and the state energy storage policy goals established in Title 35-A, section 3145 through the development of up to 200 megawatts of incremental energy storage capacity located in the State;
  • Provide one or more net benefits to the electric grid and to ratepayers, including, but not limited to, improved reliability, improved resiliency and incremental delivery of renewable electricity to customers;   
  • Maximize the value of federal incentives; and 
  • Enable the highest value energy storage projects, specifically energy storage systems in preferred locations, projects that can serve as an alternative to upgrades of the existing transmission system and projects of optimal duration.  

Request for Information 

In November and December 2023, GEO solicited stakeholder input to inform the study via a Request for Information (RFI). GEO will use this input to complete the evaluation and submit a proposed program design to the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC). The PUC will review and determine whether it is reasonably likely to achieve the aforementioned objectives, and if so, the PUC shall take steps to implement the program. To view the RFI and all materials submitted response to the RFI, click here.  

Opportunity for Comment 

On March 12, 2024, the GEO released an Opportunity for Comment Regarding Draft Assessment of Storage Procurement Mechanisms and Cost-effectiveness in Maine. The intent of this Opportunity for Comment was to obtain additional public input regarding the GEO’s evaluation of program designs and consideration of key program objectives. The Opportunity for Comment and submitted responses are available to view here.

Final Report

The final report is available to view and download here

Questions and comments about this study may be directed to Caroline Colan, at: