As Maine grows the portion of electricity derived from renewable sources to cut greenhouse gas emissions, long-duration energy storage has the potential to ensure affordable, reliable clean power for Maine households and businesses. LD 1850, An Act Relating to Energy Storage and the State’s Energy Goals, was signed into law by Governor Mills in June 2023. Section 3 of this law directs the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) to study potential long-duration energy storage solutions for Maine, including opportunities for new and emerging long-duration storage technology that would support Maine’s energy and economic goals.
As directed by legislation, GEO’s report includes:
A discussion of technology options for long-duration energy storage, including emerging technologies and a description of their technical operation and commercial viability, that may be feasible within the State and New England between 2023 and 2040;
An overview of known cost and performance characteristics, as well as development considerations by technology, such as development timelines, siting requirements or safety considerations;
A discussion of scenarios for long-duration energy storage technologies, such as serving as peaking capacity, providing winter reliability or providing benefits through colocation with renewable resources; and
Consideration of whether and under what conditions the use of long-duration energy storage would be cost-effective for ratepayers in the State.
GEO submitted a report including recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology on February 1, 2024 which can be viewed here.
Questions about this report may be directed to Caroline Colan,