Offshore Wind Studies and Reports

The following studies and reports are products of technical experts supporting the development of Maine's Offshore Wind Roadmap. Learn more about Maine's Offshore Wind Roadmap here

Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap

The Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap is a stakeholder-driven comprehensive plan that offers detailed strategies for Maine to realize economic, energy, and climate benefits from offshore wind, in conjunction with communities, fisheries, and wildlife of the Gulf of Maine.

The Roadmap was developed over 18 months in a robust public process led by a 24-person advisory committee with members from State agencies and energy, economic, fisheries, wildlife, science, and environmental leaders in Maine. The advisory committee was supported by four expert working groups on energy, economy, fisheries, and wildlife. Together, nearly 80 public sessions were held to develop the Roadmap.

Read the full Roadmap here (PDF), or Executive Summary (PDF)

State of the Offshore Wind Industry: Today through 2050

This report encompasses the initial assessment performed by DNV to provide a baseline of trends in the offshore wind industry and provide information on the growing competitiveness of deep-water turbines. The State of the Offshore Wind Industry: Today through 2050 report evaluates global, U.S., and regional market trends; analyzes cost projections; evaluates industry-wide R&D needs; identifies additional emerging technologies and innovations; and defines opportunities for Maine to be a hub for floating offshore wind.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Offshore Wind Transmission Technical Review

This initial technical review was developed through and informs the State’s Roadmap process, as well as supports the Maine Public Utilities Commission’s requirement in section 4 of Public Law 2021 chapter 327 to conduct a study of transmission infrastructure related to offshore wind generation with stakeholder input and in consultation with the Governor’s Energy Office and Office of the Public Advocate. This initial technical review is intended to inform current and future stakeholder work through the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap. Read the Offshore Wind Transmission Technical Review - Initial Report here (PDF)

This offshore wind transmission technical review final report aims to inform the Roadmap by assessing various options for development of grid integration, including policy options, such as coordinated onshore and offshore transmission infrastructure. This includes an analysis of offshore and onshore transmission technology and design options, identification of opportunities for cost-effective, strategic approaches (including regional coordination) to develop necessary transmission assets, and identification of transmission-related best practices to mitigate impacts on people and the environment.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Offshore Wind Talent Analysis

This Offshore Wind (OSW) Talent Analysis provides data-driven conclusions and recommendations to the Supply Chain, Workforce Development, Ports, and Marine Transportation Working Group, with a particular focus on the job creation potential and workforce needs of the sector. 

Read the full report here (PDF)

Offshore Wind Supply Chain & Workforce Opportunity Assessment

This report was prepared with stakeholder interviews as part of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap process and expands on the findings of the Maine Offshore Wind (OSW) Supply Chain Opportunity Assessment – Part I. In particular, the report identifies strategies to support existing Maine OSW supply chain companies, encourage diversification, support new business development, and attract OSW companies to Maine. This report also includes a self-assessment capability audit to help existing companies evaluate their readiness for offshore wind.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Offshore Wind Energy Needs Assessment

This offshore wind energy needs assessment aims to inform the Roadmap by developing scenarios to estimate offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine under different potential future electricity demand and renewable supply conditions. This includes an assessment of the long-term (through 2050) renewable needs for New England and how offshore wind from the Gulf of Maine could meet Maine’s needs as well as the rest of New England. This report builds on targets set in statute for Maine such as the requirement to achieve 80% renewable energy by 2030 and a goal of 100% by 2050, as well as analyses already conducted in the state through the Renewable Energy Goals Market Assessment and the Maine Climate Council, providing a focused assessment of offshore wind.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Socioeconomic Analysis of Offshore Wind in the Gulf of Maine

The objectives of this study were to identify potential benefits and costs of OSW development in the Gulf of Maine. This report estimates dollar values of quantifiable outcomes from economic development, avoided carbon emissions, and health outcomes from cleaner air. It discusses benefits and risks that are more difficult to monetize at this time, including effects on the commercial fishing industry, port development, leadership in research and development, effects on tourism and recreation, other effects on coastal communities, and ecological effects.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Market Deployment Strategies for Offshore Wind in Maine

This Market Deployment Strategies for Offshore Wind in Maine report aims to inform the Roadmap about potential strategies the State of Maine can consider to participate in growing the regional and global offshore wind market. This report’s objective is to identify a set of market strategies that will enable the cost-effective deployment of offshore wind energy in Maine with the goal of reducing dependence on fossil fuels and providing affordable, local energy sources for Maine. This includes reviewing energy procurement options that produce competitive prices for ratepayers.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Offshore Wind Supply Chain - Partnership Building

This report was prepared with stakeholder interviews and feedback as part of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap process and expands on the findings of the Maine Offshore Wind Supply Chain Opportunity Assessment - Part I. In Particular, the report identifies partnership building strategies for Maine companies interested in the offshore wind supply chain. The findings and recommendations aim to leverage the strengths of existing partnership building entities in Maine and includes timelines for key activities.

Read the full report here (PDF)