- National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) – NCHE operates the US Department of Education’s technical assistance and information center for the education of homeless students. The Local Liaison Corner provides access a comprehensive menu of on demand and live training resources, a local liaison toolkit, and downloadable informational materials. NCHE operates an information helpline staffed by experienced consultants who can assist with challenging situations that liaisons may encounter. The Helpline can be reached, toll free, at (800) 308-2145 or homeless@serve.org.
- Schoolhouse Connection is a national non-profit advocacy organization with informational resources on issues related to youth homelessness, including early childhood, college access, and serving unaccompanied youth.
- National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a membership association dedicated to educational equity and excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness. NAEHCY’s annual conference is valuable professional learning and networking opportunity for liaisons across the nation. Online resources include webinars and information pages on a variety of topics relevant to programs addressing the needs of homeless students. NAEHCY also sponsors a scholarship program for homeless youth