ESEA Federal Program Spending Snapshot
All federally-funded program costs must be:
(1) Reasonable: consistent with prudent business practice and comparable current market value;
(2) Necessary: required to carry out the intent and purpose of the Title II, Part A program; and
(3) Allocable: chargeable or assignable in accordance with relative benefits received.
In addition, costs must be aligned with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and adequately documented and budgeted within the grant.
Supplement vs. Supplant: Title II funds must be used to supplement (increase the level of services) and not supplant (replace) funds from non-federal sources. Any program activity required by state law or local board policy may not be paid with these funds. State or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other uses merely because of the availability of these funds. District and school personnel must maintain documentation that clearly demonstrates the supplementary nature of these funds. The federal supplement, not supplant, provision is intended to ensure that services provided under Title II, Part A are in addition to, and not in place of, local funds if Title II funds were not available.
In determining whether a particular use of funds would violate the non-supplanting requirement, SEAs and LEAs should consider matters such as whether the cost involved is currently paid for using State or local funds or whether the cost involved is for an activity that is required by State or local law. The SEA or LEA may not decrease the amount of State or local funds used to pay the cost of an activity simply because of the availability of Title II funds.
Title-Specific Expenditures
Professional Development:
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Unallowable Uses of Grant Funds
- Substitutes for teachers, principals, or other school leaders to attend professional development
- Tuition reimbursement costs (paid to staff for staff development)
- Tuition paid directly to college/university
- Purchased services for professional development of teachers, principals, and other school leaders to improve content knowledge and classroom practice
- Expenses for transportation, per diem, and lodging, if the costs are reasonable and necessary
- Equitable services for private schools
- Stipends for teachers, principals, or other school leaders to lead or participate in workshops or training
- Out-of-state workshop (if it is not being offered locally)
- Conference registration costs for Title II-funded professional development activities
- Professional development memberships or subscriptions
- Food, meals, drinks for professional development (including working lunches)
- Direct reimbursement to private, nonpublic schools
- Professional training of religious or political nature
- Professional training for private schools must meet the specific needs of students enrolled in a private school and not the school itself. Funds may not be used to meet the needs of a private school or the general needs of the students enrolled in the private school
- Out-of-country workshop (requires prior written approval from Maine DOE)
Instructional and Administrative Support:
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Unallowable Uses of Grant Funds
- Academic/instructional coaches
- Program administrator, grant manager, professional development coordinator salaries for the portion that provides direct support of Title II allowable activities (ESEA Coordinator)
- Salaries for certified teachers for class-size reduction
- Salaries for regular classroom teachers
- Salaries for paraprofessionals, tutors, and interventionists
- Base pay for principals (contract hours)
Recruitment and Retention Activities:
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Unallowable Uses of Grant Funds
- Cost of state tests to fulfill teaching certificate endorsement requirements (teachers)
- Recruitment, retention, mentoring, and induction costs
- Advertising to recruit effective educators
- Job fairs and other recruitment events
- First year teacher mentors, as required under state law
Materials, Supplies, and Equipment:
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Unallowable Uses of Grant Funds
- Supplies or materials to be used strictly for professional development, such as books or instructional resources
, directly connected to Title II professional development activities
- Portion of software or digital content used as part of a Title II-funded professional development activity
- Professional development activity supplies, such as printing or copying, chart paper, pens, binders, easels, folders and other supplies
, directly connected for use of Title II professional development activities
- Periodicals, online subscriptions, and software license fees necessary for PD
- Supplies and materials for classroom or student use
- Equipment (hardware, computers, or other devices) not related to training activities or for student use
Allowable Uses of Grant Funds
Unallowable Uses of Grant Funds
- Professional development regarding the implementation of the district’s selected evaluation and support system for teachers, principals, or other school leaders
- Indirect costs per restricted rate identified for LEA
- Social events, recreation, entertainment, non-educational trips, etc.
- Fundraising, raffles, prizes, gifts, and awards
- Promotional items such as T-shirts, caps, tote bags, imprinted pens and keychains, souvenirs, incentives
- Building construction, structural alterations, building maintenance, or repairs