DHHS → MeCDC → Disease Prevention → Substance Abuse Prevention → For Communities → Inhalant Abuse Prevention Task Force
Maine Inhalant Abuse Prevention
National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (NIPAW)
- Did you know that approximately 8% of Maine middle and high school students report that that they have sniffed glue, breathed the contents of spray cans, or inhaled paints or sprays to get high?
- Did you know that an inhalants user can die the 1st, 10th or 100th time a product is misused as an inhalant?
National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (always the 3rd week in March) was created by the National Inhalants Prevention Coalition to increase awareness and understanding about the use and serious risks of inhalant involvement. Information on how communities can get involved is available on their web site at: https://www.inhalants.org/index.shtml
Fact Sheets:
- Your Teen and Inhalants: What Do Parents Need to Know? PDF
- Parents: What You Need to Know About Inhalants Word | PDF
- Inhalant Abuse Prevention Kit from the Alliance for Consumer Education is designed specifically for parents of elementary and middle school children, so they can talk to their children about the dangers and risks associated with inhalants.
- Traditional and Non-Traditional Partners for Inhalant Abuse Prevention Word | PDF
- Sample Inhalant Abuse Prevention Messages Word | PDF
- Teachers & Youth Service Providers: Inhalant Abuse Prevention and What You Can Do About It Word | PDF
- Criminal Justice Practitioners: What You Can Do About Inhalant Abuse Word | PDF
- Sample Action Plan for Inhalant Abuse Prevention Word | PDF
- Reporting Strategies for Inhalant Abuse in Maine Word | PDF
- Frequently Asked Questions: Inhalant Information for the Press and Other Professionals Word | PDF
- Key Messages for Adults Word | PDF
DATA: Inhalants in Maine
- School, Home and Office: Examples of Inhalants and Safer Alternatives Word | PDF
- Inhalant Abuse Checklist Word | PDF
Other Resources
- List of Inhalant Resources from the Information & Resource Center PUB | PDF
- Report: Inhalant Abuse in Maine Findings and Recommendations of the Maine Inhalant Abuse Prevention Task Force, February, 2005 (PDF) In 2004, a the Maine Office of Substance Abuse, in partnership with the New England Inhalant Abuse Prevention Coalition, formed the Maine Inhalant Prevention Task Force in order to identify the nature of the inhalant problem in Maine and recommend model prevention practices designed to reduce inhalant abuse.
Documents in PDF format require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Printouts of these documents are also available upon request.
Last updated: 3/14