DHHS → MeCDC → Disease Prevention → Substance Abuse Prevention → For Communities → Healthcare Providers
Healthcare Provider's Guide
This set of tools for use by health care providers has three components:
Raising your Child Alcohol Free: A Healthcare Provider's Guide to Address Underage Drinking (PDF)
This guide for healthcare providers was developed to open the door for non-judgmental discussions with parents and youth about underage drinking. It offers age appropriate talking points and suggestions to help you approach the subject of underage alcohol use. Included is information on how to proactively parent to prevent underage drinking with children ages 0-21.
Raising Your Child Alcohol Free Poster (PDF)
This 11" x 17" poster, designed for parents, was created to place in health care facilities - waiting rooms and patient rooms and matches the talking points in the Guide.
The 6 G's card (PDF)
An appendix in the Healthcare Provider's Guide is the Six G's, a mnemonic created for physicians by Dr. Richard Heyman, M.D. to help start a discussion about underage drinking with parents. This is a tool for a discussion starter. This is a 4" x 9" card to hand to parents after a discussion about their child's risk for alcohol use.
You can download the PDF of these documents above, or contact the Information & Resource Center for copies.
Information and Resource Center
Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
41 Anthony Ave.
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Email: TSUP.DHHS@maine.gov
1-800-499-0027 (Maine only)
or (207) 287-8900
TTY users call Maine relay: 711
Documents in PDF format require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Printouts of these documents are also available upon request.