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Working Farmland Access Protection Program
Status: Accepting Applications
About the Funds
The Working Farmland Access and Protection Program (WFAPP) provides funding to protect Maine’s productive and economically significant agricultural lands. On these protected properties, WFAPP encourages agricultural practices that support soil health, carbon sequestration, and the long-term productivity of protected farmland.
WFAPP also seeks to protect properties that support farming operations in areas of the State that support and anchor a viable agricultural economy, that benefit beginning farmers or underserved communities, and that provide multiple public benefits such as protection of wildlife habitat.
Eligible Applicants
Project proposals can come from a state agency, a local or statewide land trust, a non-profit conservation organization, a town, or other entity that is an eligible holder of conservation easements under Title 33 M.R.S.A, Section 476(2). All projects must be sponsored by the Bureau of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Resources and interested applicants should contact BAFRR staff before proceeding with their application.
Application Materials
2024 WFAPP Workbook (PDF)
Appendix A - Inquiry Form (Fillable PDF)
Appendix B -
Budget (Fillable PDF)
For more information visit Maine Coastal Program's website.