Therapy Dogs Visit Long Creek Youth Development Center
Long Creek Youth Development Center and JCC partnered with Christie Gardner and her team with a surprise visit from five Therapy Dogs and their handlers for the youth residents and staff. The tour began quietly in the lobby. They entered the building where Chief of Volunteer Services Stephanie Netto was hosting a meeting with several volunteers, and a stop in the Visitation Area where LC was celebrating birthdays in the Month of August with eight residents. They travelled the building with the entourage of dogs and spent about 30 minutes in each of the units.
“It was uplifting to see these interactions with our residents and volunteers,” said RCA John Coyne. “The conversations with the residents were plentiful. One remarked about their own pets at home. Another young person explained that it was the best day of their lives.”
The tour was lighthearted, the dogs are well trained for this type of environment, and it showed. Coyne commented that a youth resident appeared very uncertain about the presence of the dogs and shared they had history that wasn’t pleasant with dogs. Through some coaching from the handler, as well as JCCO Vic Viera, this young person was able to overcome their anxieties and ended the session in that unit with a great smile and a new fondness of these dogs.
“It was an overwhelming success,” said Coyne. “Both residents and staff had their communities impacted in a positive way through their interactions with the tour. This is a valuable intervention that could be woven into the fabric of what we do here at the Long Creek Youth Development Center.”
JFOS Coleman Findlay participated and provided guidance through the tour. Community Corrections team members JCCO Greg Lauture and Vic Viera, RCM Beth Fawcett, and RCA Sue Nee joined Coyne in supporting our colleagues and the residents at Long Creek.