I would like to extend the deepest of appreciation to all our Corrections Officers and Juvenile Program Workers working at the Maine Department of Corrections. Your dedication and commitment to our mission is remarkable. Some of you have been in service for more than forty years and others are still in the academy. Many of you are working with youth, others with women, some in a minimum security and others in a segregation unit. Your work has been recognized nationally as groundbreaking. Thank you for leading the way and proving that a non-adversarial approach of treatment and programming results in better outcomes and reduced return to custody rates.
To all Correctional Professionals: Each of you working in Medical, Mental Health, Education, Social Work, Probation, Food Service, Finance, Human Resources, Maintenance and Administrative support all play a vital role in the safety and security of our communities. We are tasked with managing some of the most challenging citizens in the State of Maine and you do it well. You consistently strive for self-improvement and to improve an already successful operation. I have had the opportunity to work in and tour many correctional facilities. No one does it better than team MDOC. Your success in Education, Restrictive Housing, MSUD, Training, Programing, Case Management, Agriculture and Food Service are remarkable. Well done!
Thank you for all your individual and team efforts!
I look forward to joining each of you in the celebration of your service this week.
Thank you!