Reviewed by: Kara Reiman - Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: October 9, 2018


The jokes were bad, but to be fair, it's hard to come up with many new "good" knock-knock jokes. The jokes often rely on images on the page, so it's not really a great book for reading aloud to other people unless they can see the page. For instance, there's a moon on the page that has a few space jokes. If you didn't see the moon, you'd have no idea why all of a sudden the jokes are all about astronauts and space. Not a must-buy.~Reviewed by Kate Radke

Overall Book Score: fair

About the Book


Beth, Georgia

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group

Book Type: chapter book fiction


Audience: grades k-3

Binding Type: Choose Binding Type

Binding Quality: good

ISBN: 9781512483482

Price: 11.82