Jack and the Beanstalk and the French Fries

Jack and the Beanstalk and the French Fries

Reviewed by: Connie Smith - Breakwater School, Portland, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


For those who love fairy tales, this book is a twist on an old favorite!

Jack becomes weary of eating beans, beans, and more beans after his other tells him that "beans are nutricious and delicious, and best of all, they're free". When the bullies at Jack's school begin to blame Jack for the fact that they must eat beans every day too, Jack decides that it's time to chop down the beanstalk. Suddenly, an old man appears - the very same one who sold Jack the beans in the first place - and suggests to Jack that he climb the beanstalk to see what's up there. A very hungry Jack arrives at the top and discovers that the door to an old castle is left wide open. Once inside Jack meets Mrs. Giant, (the wife of Mr. Giant,) who is cooking up, of all things, great batches of beans! Come to find out, Mr. Giant is sick of beans as well. When Mr. Giant is about to eat Jack instead, Mrs. Giant shouts out "don't be disgusting," - a comment Jack himself echoes. Mr. Giant becomes very angry and begins to heave bushels of beans all over the castle kitchen. Mrs. Giant then suggests to them that after cleaning up her kitchen, they should plant a garden! So they do! They plant a garden which produces various kinds of vegetables that also grow almost as profusely as did the beanstalk. Everyone in the village, including the bullies, are now happy that there is something else to eat other than beans! However, the best part is the "taters' that they planted which allowed them to have French fries. And we all know how children prefer French fries to veggies! A silly story that all kids who do not like vegetables can relate to.

this book would be good for studying new twists on old fairy tales during a "fairy tale" unit.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Teague, Mark

Illustrator: Teague, Mark

Illustration Quality: excellent

Publisher: Orchard Books/Scholastic

Book Type: picture book fiction

Genre: adventure,fantasy

Audience: preschool,grades k-3

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780545914314

Price: 17.99